
7.5 When I was a child. . .

ពេលខ្ញុំនៅតូច. . . (When I was a child. . .)

The verb “To be” ជា​ is replaced by the word នៅ “at” when talking about the past with the simple past, for example:


  • Khnhom jɔng tvəə-jia kruu-bɔng-rian bpeel khnhom nouw dtooch. “I wanted to be a teacher when I was a child.”
  • Niang jɔng tvəə-jia kruu-bpeet bpeel niang nouw dtooch. “She wanted to be a doctor when she was a child.”

Guess what celebrities wanted to do​ when they were a child.

Michelle Obama Barack Obama Angela Merkel
“Niang jɔng tvəə ey bpeel niang nouw dtooch?”

What did she want to do when she was a child?

“Koat jɔng tvəə ey bpeel koat nouw dtooch?”

What did he want to do when he was a child?

“Niang jɔng tvəə ey bpeel niang nouw dtooch?”

What did she want to do when she was a child?

1. Speaking

Record yourself saying what you think those celebrities wanted to do when they were a child and then share it with your friends/teacher for further feedback.



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