
3.6 Question Word: Bpon-maan “How many?”

Bpon-maan is placed at the end of a statement to ask “How many?” and “How much?”. However, when asking about number of people, the classifier “Neak” is placed at the end of the statement. “Neak” is also placed at the end of the statement when answering to the question.


  • Q: Niang mian bɔɔng-p’oon bpon-maan neak? “How many siblings does she have?”
  • A: Niang mian bɔɔng-p’oon bpii neak. “She has two siblings.”

Bpon-maan is also used to ask for a person’s age and the word Chnam “year” is placed at the end of question sentence. The word Chnam “year” is optional.


  • Neak mian koon bpon-maan neak?  “How many children do you have?”
  • Neak aa-yu bpon-maan chnam?  “How old are you?”

1. Reading

  • Vothy is writing a letter to his friend Nicolas, who is living in the U.S. Read his letter below and put the sentences in the correct order.

  • After reading, answer the following questions:


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