
5.2 Time and Date

Days of the Week 

Table 1 shows the seven days of the week in Cambodian. Each day is preceded by the word T’ngai “day”.

The word “Aa-dtet” and “Sap-bpaa-daa” mean “week” and are used interchangeably; for example, Muay aa-dtet/muay sap-bpaa-daa “one week”.

Use Table 1 and the audio below to learn how to pronounce the days of the week.

Table 1
Transliteration Khmer English
T’ngai jan ថ្ងៃច័ន្ទ Monday
T’ngai ɔng-kia ថ្ងៃអង្គារ Tuesday
T’ngai bput ថ្ងៃពុធ Wednesday
T’ngai bprɔɔ-hoah ថ្ងៃព្រហស្បតិ៍ Thursday
T’ngai sok ថ្ងៃសុក្រ Friday
T’ngai sau ថ្ងៃសៅរ៍ Saturday
T’ngai aa-dtet ថ្ងៃអាទិត្យ Sunday




Test Yourself: 

Put day of the week in the correct order.

What day is today?

The days of the week are expressed by the pattern: T’ngai-nih (today)+ jia (is)+ t’ngai ey? “what day is today?”. To answer the question, the same pattern is used: T’ngai-nih (today)+ jia (is)+ t’ngai following by the days of the week.


Q: T’ngai-nih jia t’ngai ey? “What day is today?”

A: T’ngai-nih jia t’ngai sok. “Today is Friday.”

 The Months of the Year

For beginners, the simplest way to say the month is to use the word Khae “month”+ dtii+ number. Like the days of the week, each month is preceded by the word Khae “month”.


  • Khae dtii muay “first month”
  • Khae dtii buan “fourth month”
  • Khae dtii dɔp bpii “twelfth month”

Use Table 2 and the audio below to learn how to pronounce the months of the year.

Table 2
Transliteration Khmer English
meak-kaa-raa មករា January
kom-pheak កុម្ភៈ February
mi-naa មិនា March
mee-saa មេសា April
u-sa-phia ឧសភា May
mi-tho-naa មិថុនា June
kak-kaa-daa កក្កដា July
sey-haa សីហា August
kanh-nhaa កញ្ញា September
dto-laa តុលា October
vic-che-kaa វិច្ឆិកា November
thnuu ធ្នូ December


Test Yourself:

Listen and write the English translations for the months of the year in Khmer.

Time of the Day

To tell the time, the word ពេល “bpeel” is placed in front of the time of the day.

Table 3
Transliteration Khmer English
bpeel bprək ពេលព្រឹក in the morning
bpeel t’ngai dtrɔng ពេលថ្ងៃត្រង់ at noon
bpeel roo-sial ពេលរសៀល in early afternoon
bpeel l’ngiach ពេលល្ងាច in the evening
bpeel yub ពេលយប់ at night
bpeel aa-dtriat ពេលអាធ្រាត្រ midnight

Test Yourself:

Put the times of day in sequential order.


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