
2.8 Key Vocabulary and Useful Expressions

Key Vocabulary
IPA English
kruu-bɔng-rian teacher
kruu-bpeet doctor
jon-jiat nationality
tvəə-kaa to work
kɔn-laeng tvəə-kaa workplace
kaa-gnia occupation/job
Useful Expressions
IPA English
khnhom jia kruu-bɔng-rian I am a teacher.
joh-neak-venh? how about you?
lia-sən-haəy! bye!
khnhom mən-meen jia kruu-bɔng-rian dtee. I am not a teacher.
I am sorry.
ɔt-ey-dtee That is alright.
Summary of Grammar Points
Grammar Point
Yes” in Khmer: Baat (for male speaker) and  Jaa (for female speaker) are the terms for the English word “Yes”
Question sentence with “Dtau” and “Dtee” “Dtau” is the initial particle in a question sentence. However, it is commonly used in written  language and in formal situations. Dtee” is another question particle placed at the end of the question sentence.

· Dtau neak sok-sab-baay dtee? = How are you?

· Neak sok-sa-baay dtee? = How are you?


Seeking confirmation with question  mee- dtee “Is that right? The word “meen-dtee” can be translated as “right?” or “isn’t that so?”, and is placed at the end of a statement to seek confirmation or to confirm that you have made a correct assumption. There are several ways to respond to meen-dtee questions. You can either say meen-haəy or baat ​(​if it is male) and jaa (if it is female).
Negative formers: ɔt-dtee and men-dtee


The negative former ɔt-dtee and mən-dtee are placed before the main verb and dtee at the end of the statement.
Question word: “Where” The word Naa is the contraction of Ae-naa. However, Naa and Ey can be interchangeable when asking about the country you are from.

Nouw “at” is placed before Naa when asking about the location. For example:

saa-laa neak nouw naa? “Where is your school?”


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