1.1 हिंदी स्वर वर्ण “Hindi Vowel Letters”

Please watch this video of vowel letters with examples. While you are watching you can pause the video and try to say each vowel letter and examples out loud.
Instructor Video: Vowel letters with examples
How to Write Vowel Letters
Please watch the following video to learn how to write vowel letters. Please pause the video and practice writing these vowel letters.
Instructor Video: How to write vowel letters
Table 1. Hindi Vowel Letters “हिन्दी स्वर वर्ण”
Hindi |
अ |
आ |
इ |
ई |
उ |
English | a | aa | i | ii | u |
Hindi |
ऊ |
ए |
ऐ |
ओ |
औ |
English | oo | e | ai | o | au |
Hindi | |||||
English | un | uh | Ri |
Table 2. Examples of Vowel letters in English and Hindi words.
Vowel Letters | English Examples | Hindi Examples |
अ | ABOUT, AGAIN | अनार |
आ | ARM, CAR | आम |
इ | PIN, KIN | इमली |
ई | PEEL, FEEL | ईख |
उ | PUT, BULL | उल्लू |
ऊ | SCHOOL, POOL | ऊन |
ए | PEN, DEN | एक |
ऐ | PAN, VAN | ऐनक |
ओ | POST, MOST | ओखली |
औ | CAUGHT, BOUGHT | औरत |
अं | UNDER, UNDO | अंडा |
अ: | RAMA, SHIVA | दुःख, अंततः |
ऋ | KRISHNA, KRISHI | ऋषि |
Worksheet 1. Please practice writing vowel letters now
Worksheet 1. Hindi language learners can download the worksheet below to practice writing vowel letters.
Test yourself
Activity 1:
Activity 2:
Please record your vowel sounds here and share it with your friends/teacher for further feedback.
धन्यवाद !
In some books, you will not see अं listed as a vowel because, it represents nasalization.
In some books, अ: is not listed in vowel because it represent visarga borrowed from Sanskrit and represents extra "h" sound.
ऋ is a Sanskrit borrowing. In Hindi, it often comes in a Sanskrit borrowed words. Please do not confuse this letter with a consonant "R" (र).