
2.4 Formal Conversations

Reading: Formal Conversation with a Hindi Teacher

Context: After the class, Vidya sees her Hindi teacher.

Name Hindi Transliteration English
विद्या: नमस्ते, अध्यापक जी  namaste, adhyaapak ji Hello Sir
अक्षय: नमस्ते, विद्या जी| आप कैसी हैं ? namaste, Vidya ji. aap kaisii hain? Hello Vidya ji. How are you?
विद्या: मैं अच्छी हूँ| धन्यवाद | आप कैसे हैं? main achchhii hoon. Dhanyawaad. aap kaise hain? I am good. Thank you. How are you?
अक्षय: मैं भी ठीक हूँ | फिर मिलेंगे, नमस्ते | main bhii Thiik hoon. phir milenge, namaste. I am good too. See you again, bye.
विद्या: फिर मिलेंगे, नमस्ते | phir milenge, namaste. See you again, bye.

Video 3. Listening: Formal Conversation with a Hindi Teacher

Listening: Please watch the following video and listen to the above conversation and check your reading and pronunciation.

Instructor Video: Conversation with a Hindi teacher

Test Yourself


Please go around in the classroom and/or outside the classroom and say “Hello” to your friends and ask them “how are you?” and bid them “see you again, bye!” You can record your conversation here and share with your other friends and/or teacher.

धन्यवाद !


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