6.5 Study Abroad
Study Abroad Reading/Listening Activity

Pre-Reading/Listening Activities
- In a group of three or four friends, please discuss what do you want to learn if/when you are are in India/any other South Asian country.
- In a group of three or four friends, please discuss different beverages that people drink in the morning in India/South Asia and in America.
Context: Jen wakes up early in the morning and saw her host mother making chai “tea” for the family and wants to learn how to make Indian chai.
Name | Hindi | English |
जेन: | शुभ प्रात:, माता जी, आप क्या बना रही हैं ? | Good morning, mother, what are you making? |
कमला: | Good morning जेन, आज तुम जल्दी जाग गयी | मैं परिवार के लिए चाय बना रही हूँ | | Good morning Jen, You are awake so early today. I am making chai for the family. |
जेन: | यह तो बहुत अच्छी बात है | मैं चाय बनाना सीखना चाहती हूँ | | This is great. I want to learn how to make chai. |
कमला: | चाय बनाना बहुत आसान है | सबसे पहले, एक पैन में पानी, दूध, चाय पत्ती, और चाय का मसाला डाल के उबालिए | | To make chai is very easy. First of all, please take water, milk, tea leaves, and tea spice in a aucepan and boil them. |
(थोड़ी देर बाद) | After a while | |
जेन: | कमला जी, यह अब उबल रहा है | | Kamala ji, this is boiling now. |
कमला: | अब आंच कम कीजिये और इसे थोड़ा ठंडा होने दीजिये | | Now please lower the heat and let it cool down a little bit. |
(थोड़ी देर बाद) | After a while. | |
जेन: | कमला जी, यह अब थोड़ा ठंडा हो गया है | | Kamala ji, it gets cooler a little. |
कमला: | ठीक है, अब चाय छन्नी से मसाले और चाय पत्ती को छान लीजिये | | Okay, now please strain the tea leaves and tea spices using a strainer. |
जेन: | हो गया | | done. |
कमला: | अब इसमे अपने स्वाद के अनुसार चीनी मिलाइए | आपकी चाय तैयार | Now add sugar in this according to your taste. Your tea is ready. |
जेन: | यह मेरी ज़िन्दगी की सबसे पहली चाय है जो मैंने ख़ुद बनायी है | | This is the first tea that I have made my own in my life. |
कमला: | वाह ! अगर आप चाहें तो परिवार के लिए हर रोज़ चाय बना सकती हैं | | Wao! If you want you can make tea for the family every day. |
जेन: | अगर मैं हर दिन इस समय जाग पायी तो ! | If I get up this time everyday. |
दोनों हँसती हैं और चाय का मजा लेती हैं | | Both laugh and enjoy their tea. |
Post-Reading/Listening Activities:
b) Please try to follow the instruction given above and try to make a cup of chai for yourself.
धन्यवाद !