3.2 Reading/Listening 1: मेरा परिवार
मेरा परिवार “My Family”

Family members and relatives
Hindi | Grammatical Categories | English |
परिवार | n.m. | Family |
रिश्तेदार | n.m. | Relative |
माँ / माता | n.f. | Mother |
पिता | n.m. | Father |
भाई | n.m. | Brother |
भाभी | n.f. | Brother's wife |
बहन / बहिन | n.f. | Sister |
बहनोई | n.m. | Sister’s husband |
दादा | n.m. | Paternal Grand father |
दादी | n.f. | Paternal Grand mother |
नाना | n.m. | Maternal Grand father |
नानी | n.f. | Maternal Grand mother |
चाचा | n.m. | Father’s brother |
चाची | n.f. | Father’s brother’s wife |
बुआ | n.f. | Father’s sister |
फूफा | n.m. | Father’s sister’s husband |
मामा | n.m. | Mother’s brother |
मामी | n.f. | Mother’s brother’s wife |
मौसी | n.f. | Mother’s sister |
मौसा | n.m. | Mother’s sister’s husband |
चचेरा भाई /चचेरी बहन | n.m./f. | Cousin brother-sister (kids of चाचा-चाची) |
फूफेरा भाई /फूफेरी बहन | n.m./f. | Cousin brother-sister (kids of बुआ-फूफा) |
ममेरा भाई / ममेरी बहन | n.m./f. | Cousin brother-sister (kids of मामा-मामी ) |
मौसेरा भाई / मौसेरी बहन | n.m./f. | Cousin brother-sister (kids of मौसा-मौसी ) |
सौतेला भाई / सौतेली बहन | n.m./f. | Half brother/sister |
पालतू कुत्ता / बिल्ली | n.m./f. | Pet dog / cat |
शादी के बाद के रिश्तेदार “Family after marriage” |
पति | n.m. | Husband |
पत्नी | n.f. | Wife |
बेटा | n.m. | Son |
बेटी | n.f. | Daughter |
बहू | n.f. | Daughter-in-law |
दामाद | n.m. | Son-in-law |
सास | n.f. | Mother-in-law |
ससुर | n.m. | Father-in-law |
साला | n.m. | Brother-in-law (from the husband’s point of view) |
साली | n.f. | Sister-in-law (from the husband’s point of view) |
देवर | n.m. | Brother-in-law (from the wife’s point of view) |
देवरानी | n.f. | Wife of a brother-in-law (from the wife’s point of view) |
ननद | n.f. | Sister-in-law (from the wife’s point of view) |
ननदोई | n.m. | Husband of sister-in-law (from the wife’s point of view) |
Test Yourself
परिवार के बारे में “About the family”
Context: Shilpa and Peter are in the same Hindi class. Their teacher, Akshay, asked them to collect information about each other’s family members. In this reading/listening, they are asking questions to each other.
Pre-reading Activity 1: Please respond to the following questions. Please write your response in Hindi in the given space.
Hindi | English | Your response in Hindi |
आपका नाम | Your name | |
आपके पिता जी का नाम | Your father’s name | |
आपकी माता जी का नाम | Your mother’s name | |
आपके कितने भाई हैं ? | How many brother do you have? | |
भाइयों के नाम | Your brothers’ names | |
आपकी कितनी बहनें हैं ? | How many sisters do you have? | |
बहनों के नाम | Your sisters’ names | |
आपके दादा जी का नाम | Your paternal grand-father’s name | |
आपकी दादी जी का नाम | Your paternal grand-mother’s name | |
क्या आपके पास कोई पालतू जानवर है? | Do you have any pet? | |
पालतू जानवर का नाम | Your pet’s name |
Pre-reading Activity 2: Based on the above information, please draw a family tree.
Please read the following conversation aloud with a partner (or alone)
Hindi | English |
शिल्पा: नमस्ते पीटर ! आप कैसे हैं ? | Shilpa: Hello Peter! How are you? |
पीटर: नमस्ते शिल्पा, मैं अच्छा हूँ, धन्यवाद | और आप ? | Peter: Hello Shilpa, I am well, thanks. And you? |
शिल्पा: मैं भी ठीक हूँ | धन्यवाद | चलिये, काम शुरू करते हैं | | Shilpa: I am okay too. Thanks. Let’s start the work. |
पीटर: ठीक है| बताइये, आपका परिवार कहाँ रहता है ? | Peter: Okay. Please tell, where does your family live? |
शिल्पा: मेरा परिवार शिकागो में रहता है | और आपका ? | Shilpa: My family lives in Chicago. And yours? |
पीटर: मेरा परिवार डेट्रॉइट में है | | Peter: My family lives in Detroit. |
शिल्पा: आपकी माता जी का नाम क्या है ? | Shilpa: What is your mother’s name? |
पीटर: मेरी माँ का नाम लिज़ है | आपकी माँ का नाम क्या है? | Peter:My mother’s name is Liz. What is your mother’s name? |
शिल्पा: मेरी माँ का नाम देवकी पटेल है | आपकी माँ क्या करती हैं ? | Shilpa: My mother’s name is Devaki Patel. What does your mother do? |
पीटर: मेरी माँ एक विद्यालय में अध्यापिका हैं | और आपकी माँ ? | Peter: My mother is a school teacher. and your mother? |
शिल्पा: मेरी माँ एक गृहिणी हैं | आपके पिता जी का नाम क्या है ? | Shilpa: My mother is a house-wife. What is your father’s name? |
पीटर: मेरे पिता जी का नाम एडम है, और वह/वे [In some books, one can also find use of वे for 3rd person singular honorific subject. In any case, वह and वे both are pronounced वो] एक डॉक्टर हैं | और आपके पिता जी का नाम क्या है और वह/वे क्या करते हैं ? | Peter:My father's name is Adam, he is a doctor. What is your father's name and what does he do? |
शिल्पा: मेरे पिता जी का नाम कृष्णचंद पटेल है, और वह/वे एक वैज्ञानिक हैं | | Shilpa: My father's name is Krishnachand Patel, and he is a scientist. |
पीटर: आपके कितने भाई बहन हैं ? | Peter: How many brothers and sisters do you have? |
शिल्पा: मेरा एक भाई है, उसका नाम साहिल है| मेरी कोई बहन नहीं है| और आपके कितने भाई बहन हैं ? | Shilpa: I have a brother, his name is Sahil. I have no sisters. And how many brothers and sisters do you have? |
पीटर: मैं इकलौता हूँ | मेरे कोई भाई बहन नहीं हैं | | Peter: I am only one. I have no brothers and sisters. |
शिल्पा: क्या आपके दादा-दादी भी आपके साथ डेट्रॉइट में रहते हैं ? | Shilpa: Do your grand-parents live with you in Detroit? |
पीटर: नहीं मेरे दादा-दादी हमारे साथ नहीं रहते | उनका अपना अलग घर है| क्या आपके दादा-दादी आपके साथ रहते हैं? | Peter: No, my grand-parents do not live with us. They have their own separate house. Do your grand-parents live with you? |
शिल्पा: जी हाँ | हिन्दुस्तानी परिवार में, माता-पिता, भाई-बहन, दादा-दादी, चाचा-चाची, सब एक साथ एक घर में रहते हैं | | Shilpa: Yes, In an Indian family, mother-father, brother-sister, grand-parents, uncle-aunt, all live together in the same house. |
पीटर: अरे वाह ! यह तो बहुत अच्छी बात है | अच्छा, फिर मिलेंगे, नमस्ते | | Peter: Oh Wao! This is a very good thing. Okay, see you again, Namaste. |
शिल्पा: ठीक है, बाय | Shilpa: Okay, Bye |
Please provide the following information about Shipa and Peter. Please note that some answers may not be available in the text, you can leave them blank.
सवाल "Questions" | शिल्पा | पीटर |
x का परिवार कहाँ रहता है ? |
x की माता जी का नाम |
x की माता जी क्या करती हैं ? |
x के पिता जी का नाम |
x के पिता जी क्या करते हैं ? |
x के कितने भाई-बहन हैं? |
x के भाई का नाम |
x की बहन का नाम |
Family Tree: Based on the above reading/listening, please draw Shilpa's and Peter's family trees.
Based on your pre-reading, and reading, please write (10-15 sentences)/audio record introducing your own family members.
Complete the following conversation: Please choose the correct question/prompt for each answer/response in the following conversation.
धन्यवाद !
Typically, elder brother's wife.
In Indian and South Asian culture, सौतेला is used for both half and step brother/sister.
m. work
शुरू करना: to start
It is an imperative form of the verb बताना "to tell."
It is an imperfective (habitual) form of the verb रहना "to live."
It is an imperfective (habitual) form of a verb करना "to do." In Hindi, we add करना with a noun to form a conjunct verb like काम करना "to work."
m. school
f. female teacher. It is a feminine form of अध्यापक "male teacher."
f. house-wife
m./f. scientist. It is a gender neutral noun in Hindi
It is a plural form of कितना "How many/much."
Adjective. Only son.
इकलौती "Only daughter."
It is an inclusive emphatic marker. It mean "too."