
4.2 Reading/Listening 1: ऋतिक का घर

ऋतिक का घर “Hritik’s Home”

A beautiful Indian style house
“Kerala Ayurveda Homestay, Travel Ashtamudi” by peterwurst44 is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.


“Peeled door” by =Nahemoth= (absent for a while) is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
“Living room” by h-squared is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.
“Indian Kitchen” by Stephanie Booth is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.
दरवाज़ा n.m. door बैठक n.f. Living room रसोई n.f. Kitchen
“Hotel Monaco” by delgaudm is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
“My desk” by polymath blues is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.
“Multi-Color Hardwood Flooring” by merfam is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.
गलियारा n.m. Corridor/Hallway पढ़ाई का कमरा n.m. Study room फ़र्श n.m. Floor
“Staircase” by Vince Alongi is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
“Urban Bedroom” by Houseology is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.
“Girl in Window, Bharuch India” by AdamCohn is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.
सीढ़ी n.f. Staircase सोने का कमरा n.m. Bedroom खिड़की n.f. Window
“Roof tiles” by elias_daniel is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
“Boy Watching From Balcony, Kanpur India” by AdamCohn is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.
“garden” by etcher67 is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.
छत n.f. Roof छज्जा n.m. Balcony बगीचा n.m. Garden
“Clean Indian Toilet” by Stephanie Booth is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.
“Indian shower” by .waldec is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
“dinning room of 306 Myrtle Lane” by nannetteturner is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
शौचालय n.m. Toilet स्नानघर n.m. Shower/Bathroom भोजन कक्ष (खाने का कमरा) n.m. dinning room

Test Yourself


Context: Vidya is visiting Hritik’s home first time. Hritik is giving Vidya a tour of his home.

Pre-reading activities:

(a) Please collect photos of the several parts of your home and then on the back of your each photo, please write its name in Hindi. It should look like a flash-card but with photos.

(b) Please think about your home and your friends’ home and make a list of the parts of home that their homes have and your home does not have and vice-versa.


Hindi English
दरवाज़े की घंटी बजती है और ऋतिक दरवाज़ा खोलता है | Door-bell rings and Hritik opens the door.
ऋतिक: ओ हो ! विद्या है | नमस्ते, क्या हाल है ? Oho! It is Vidya. Hello, how are you?
विद्या: नमस्ते, सब ठीक है| तुम कैसे हो? Hello, All is well. How are you?
ऋतिक: मैं भी ठीक हूँ | आओ, अन्दर आओ | I am okay too. come, come inside.
विद्या धन्यवाद, तुम्हारा घर बहुत सुन्दर है | Thanks, your home is very beautiful.
ऋतिक: शुक्रिया, चलो, मैं तुम्हें पूरा घर दिखाता हूँ | Thanks, Let’s go, I will show you my whole house.
विद्या: ठीक है, चलो| Okay, Let’s go.
ऋतिक: यह हमारे घर का दरवाज़ा है | उसके बाद एक गलियारा है | गलियारे के बाद एक और दरवाज़ा है | उस दरवाज़े के बाद, हमारी बैठक है | बैठक के बायीं तरफ़ हमारी रसोई, और खाने का कमरा है | बैठक के दायीं तरफ़, पढ़ने का कमरा, पूजा घर, और अतिथी का कमरा भी है| बैठक में ही, एक सीढ़ी है | This is the door of our house. After that there is a corridor. After the corridor, there is another door. After that door, there is our living room. On the left side of the living room, there is our kitchen and dinning room. On the right side of the living room, there is a study room, worship room, and a guest room too. In the living room itself, there is a staircase.
विद्या: और ऊपर की मंज़िल पर क्या-क्या है ? And what are there on the top floor?
ऋतिक: ऊपर की मंज़िल पर, तीन सोने के कमरे हैं | हर कमरे में, एक-एक शौचालय और स्नानघर है | ऊपर की मंज़िल पर, एक छज्जा भी है| On the top floor, there are three bedrooms. In each room, there is a toilet and shower. There is a balcony too on the top floor.
विद्या: क्या नीचे की मंज़िल पर कोई शौचालय नहीं है ? Is there no toilet on the bottom floor?
ऋतिक: हाँ, एक शौचालय और स्नानघर नीचे की मंज़िल पर भी है | Yes, There is one toilet and shower at the bottom floor too.
विद्या: ऋतिक, तुम्हारा घर बहुत अच्छा, साफ़ और हवादार भी है | क्या तुम्हारे घर में कोई बगीचा है ? Hritik, your house is very good, clean and airy too. Is there any garden in your house?
ऋतिक घर के पीछे, एक छोटा सा बगीचा भी है | वह मेरी माँ की सबसे पसंदीदा जगह है | Behind the house, there is a small gardem. This is my mother’s favorite place.
विद्या: अरे वाह ! मुझे भी बगीचा बहुत पसंद है | और तुम्हारा कमरा कहाँ है ? O wao! I, too, like garden a lot. And where is your room?
ऋतिक: मेरा कमरा ऊपर की मंज़िल पर है | मेरा कमरा अभी गंदा है | मैं तुम्हें अपना कमरा बाद में दिखाऊंगा | My room is on the top floor. Right now, my room is dirty. I will show you my room later.
विद्या: ठीक है | Okay.


ऋतिक का घर


Drawing: Based on the above description of Hritik’s house, please draw a picture of the bottom floor of Hritik’s house.


As you read how Hritik gave tour of his house to Vidya. Now, it is your turn to describe your home in 15-20 sentences. Please write them on the paper first and then audio-record yourself. Alternatively, you can also video-record describing your home.

Record yourself here:



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