
6.8 Object with को and से

Object with को and से Video

Instructor Video: Object with -ko and -se


In previous chapter, we have learned that the postposition को is used with the subject (a) when the subject is not an active doer of an action, but an experiencer, (b) to express internal feelings and sensation, (c) with the words like चाहिए “need,” लगना “feel,” आना “know how to,” मालूम “aware,” etc.

For example:

  • राकेश को एक किताब चाहिए | “Rakesh needs a book.”
  • मुझे बुख़ार है | “I have a fever.”
  • उसको लगता है कि आज बारिश होगी | “He feels that it will rain today.”
  • मुझे खाना बनाना आता है | “I know how to cook food.”
  • सब को मालूम है कि हम दोस्त हैं | “Everyone knows that we are friends.”

Uses of Post-Position को

(a) With an inanimate definite object (not with inanimate indefinite object). Typically, the object with को also needs demonstrative pronouns such as यह “this,” वह “that,” etc., in oblique form as they are followed by postposition को.

For example:

  • इस किताब को पढ़िए | “Please read this book.”
  • इन चीजों को मत छुइये | “Please do not touch these things.”
  • उन थालियों को धोइये | “Please wash those plates”
  • उस कलम को खरीदिये | “Please buy that pen.”

(b) With animate direct object.

For example:

  • जानवरों को मत मारो | “Do not kill animals.”
  • जॉन ने मैरी को किस किया | “John kissed Mary.”
  • बच्चों को मत पीटो | “Do not beat the children.”

(c) With indirect object.

  • बच्चों को मिठाइयाँ दीजिये | “Please give sweets to the children.”
  • अपनी माँ को चिट्ठी लिखो | “Write a letter to your mother.”
  • दोस्तों को उपहार भेजो | “Send gifts to friends.”
  • छात्रों को सवाल समझाओ | “Explain the question to students.”


(a) Postposition से is used with objects of the verbs of speaking, telling, etc.

For example:

  • मुझसे बात कीजिये | “Please talk to me.”
  • शिक्षक से सवाल पूछिए | “Please ask question to the teacher.”
  • छात्रों से कहिये कि मुझसे हिन्दी में बात करें | “Please ask students to talk to me in Hindi.”
  • उसने मुझसे हिन्दी में बोला कि मैं अच्छा आदमी हूँ | “He said to me in Hindi that I am a good man.”

(b) Postposition से is used with an object with verbs that require instrument, an equal active participant of an action.

  • मुझसे मिलिये | “Please meet me.”
  • माँ बच्चों से प्यार करती हैं | “Mother loves children.”
  • मैं आपसे प्यार करता हूँ | “I love you.”


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