6.9 Expressing Obligation and Suggestions
Expressing Obligation and Suggestions Video
Instructor Video: Expressing Obligations and Suggestions
In previous chapter, you have learned that चाहिए “need” is used to express the need. चाहिए “need” always takes subject with को.
For example:
- मुझे किताबें चाहिए | “I need books.”
- आपको क्या चाहिए ? “What do you need?”
- सब को पैसे चाहिए | “Everyone needs money.”
However, when चाहिए “need” comes with verb, it expresses suggestion and obligation.
For example:
- आपको अपना काम करना चाहिए | “You should do your work.”
- सब को हिन्दी में बात करनी चाहिए | “All should converse in Hindi.”
- आपको अपने माता-पिता का आदर करना चाहिए | “You should/ought to respect your parents.”
- अब मुझे घर जाना चाहिए | “Now, I should go home.”
(a) Imagine that you and your friends are planning a trip to a tourist place. Please make a list of 10 things that you need and 10 things that you should do. [Hints: please use “noun+चाहिए” for things that you need, and “verb+चाहिए” for things that you should do].
(b) Imagine that you met a freshman who wants to know what to do and what not to do in college level classes. Please make a list of 5 things that you think s/he should or should not do.
(c) In a group of two or three friends who are learning Hindi, please discuss how you can further improve your Hindi language skills. Please make a list of ten suggestions that you and your friends should be doing to improve your Hindi language skills.
धन्यवाद !