1.2 हिंदी व्यंजन वर्ण “Hindi Consonant Letters”

Please watch the following video of Hindi consonant letters. While watching the video, you can pause and try to say each letter out loud.
Instructor Video: Hindi Consonant letters
Writing Consonant Letters
Please watch the following video and try to learn how to write consonant letters.
Instructor Video: Writing Consonants
Table 4. List of Consonant Letter with their English equivalent sounds.
Place of Articulation | Unvoiced Unaspirated | Unvoiced Aspirated | Voiced Unaspirated | Voiced Aspirated | Nasal | |
Hindi | Velar | क | ख | ग | घ | ङ |
English | ka | kha | ga | gha | nga | |
Hindi | Palatal | च | छ | ज | झ | ञ |
English | cha | chha | ja | jha | nja | |
Hindi | Retroflex | ट | ठ | ड/ड़ | ढ/ढ़ | ण |
English | Ta | Tha | Da/Ra | Dha/Rha | Na | |
Hindi | Dental | त | थ | द | ध | न |
English | ta | tha | da | dha | na | |
Hindi | Labial | प | फ | ब | भ | म |
English | pa | pha | ba | bha | ma | |
Hindi | Semi-vowels | य | र | ल | व | |
English | ya | ra | la | va/wa | ||
Hindi | Sibilants | स | श | ष | ||
English | sa | sha | shha | |||
Hindi | Glottal | ह | ||||
English | ha | |||||
Hindi | Clusters | क्ष | त्र | ज्ञ | ||
English | ksha | tra | jna |
Table 5. Examples of Hindi Consonants in English and Hindi words
Consonants | English | Hindi | Notes |
क | SKILL, STICK | कलम, कपड़ा | |
ख | खरगोश, खरा | “ख” is pronounced as “क,” but with aspiration (extra puff of air). | |
ग | GUN, GOAL | गमला, गड़बड़ | |
घ | घर, घड़ी | “घ” is pronounced as “ग,” but with aspiration (extra puff of air). | |
ङ | गंगा, कंघी | Velar nasal does not explicitly appear in a word. It comes as a dot (.) above the letter to show nasalization. | |
च | PITCH, SWITCH | चरखा, चरित्र | |
छ | छत, छड़ी | “छ” is pronounced as “च,” but with aspiration (extra puff of air). | |
ज | JUG, JOKE | जग, जटिल | |
झ | झरना, झगड़ा | “झ” is pronounced as “ज,” but with aspiration (extra puff of air). | |
ञ | पंजाब, पंच | Palatal nasal does not explicitly appear in a word. It comes as a dot (.) above the letter to show nasalization. | |
ट | BAT, CAT | टमाटर, टमटम | |
ठ | ठठेरा, ठग | “ठ” is pronounced as “ट,” but with aspiration (extra puff of air). | |
ड | BAD, CARD | डमरू, डब्बा | |
ढ | ढक्कन, ढहना | “ढ” is pronounced as “ड,” but with aspiration (extra puff of air). | |
ण | ठंडा, अंडा | Retroflex nasal does not explicitly appear in a word. It comes as a dot (.) above the letter to show nasalization. | |
त | तरबूज, तनाव | “त” is pronounced as “ट,” with the tongue at dental position. | |
थ | थरमस, थकना | “थ” is pronounced as “त,” but with aspiration (extra puff of air). | |
द | THE, THEN | दवा, दरवाज़ा | |
ध | धन, धनुष | “ध” is pronounced as “द,” but with aspiration (extra puff of air). | |
न | NO, NEAR | नल, नहाना | |
प | NAP, SLEEP | पतंग, पलंग | |
फ | फल, फटना | “फ” is pronounced as “प,” but with aspiration (extra puff of air). | |
ब | TUB, PUB | बकरी, बदन | |
भ | भलाई, भरोसा | “भ” is pronounced as “ब,” but with aspiration (extra puff of air). | |
म | MOM, MONEY | मछली, ममता | |
य | YELLOW, YES | यज्ञ, यश | |
र | REST, RIVER | रस्सी, रचना | |
ल | LAMP, LARGE | लट्टू, लड़का | |
व | WAY, WINE | वर्दी, वकील | Hindi has only “व” for English “W,” and “V.” |
स | SUN, SERVICE | सब्ज़ी, सड़क | |
श | SHOE, SHINE | शलगम, शत | |
ष | षट्भुज, षड्यंत्र | “ष” is pronounced as “श,” with the tongue at retroflex position. | |
ह | HINDI, HUB | हरा, हरिन | |
क्ष | क्षत्रिय, वृक्ष | “क्ष” is a borrowed letter from Sanskrit. It does not have English equivalent. | |
त्र | पत्र, पात्र | “त्र” is a borrowed letter from Sanskrit. It does not have English equivalent. | |
ज्ञ | यज्ञ, | “ज्ञ” is a borrowed letter from Sanskrit. It does not have English equivalent. |
Worksheet 2. Please practice writing these consonant letters
Worksheet 2. Hindi language learners can download the worksheet below to practice writing consonant letters.
Test Yourself
Activity 1: Match the followings
Activity 2: Choose the correct option.
Activity 3:
Please record your consonant sounds here and share it with your friends/teacher for further feedback.
Reading and Writing Task
You should try to read the words in Worksheet 3 (below). You can write them down in Roman script then watch the following video and check your answer.
जल |
नल |
सच |
झट |
रथ |
फल |
हल |
मत |
पर |
घर |
डर |
बस |
कह |
चख |
कर |
मत |
हर |
अब |
पढ़ |
यम |
कलम |
कमल |
खरब |
कलश |
महल |
बतख |
मदन |
पलक |
नहर |
भजन |
शहद |
शहर |
सड़क |
मगर |
चरण |
पकड़ |
इधर |
ऊपर |
गरम |
परत |
कसरत |
अजगर |
दशरथ |
शरबत |
टमटम |
बरगद |
नटखट |
उबटन |
परवल |
पनघट |
चमचम |
लगभग |
करवट |
जगमग |
हलचल |
Instructor Video: Feedback on Worksheet 3
Half Consonants
Unlike English, Hindi has half consonants (consonant without vowel). In Hindi, half consonants are used to form consonant clusters in words.
Please watch the following video to learn how to write half consonant.
Instructor Video: Half Consonants

Half “र” (R)
Half “र” when it comes in a consonant cluster, it is written in two ways.
(a) When half “र” comes after another consonant, it is marked as a diagonal stroke at the bottom of the letter going from right top to the left bottom.
For example:
प्र | प्रेम | Prem |
क्र | क्रम | kram |
ग्र | ग्राहक | graahak |
(b) When “र” come before another consonant, it is marked on the top of another consonant as a “रेफ” reph.
For example:
र्प | सर्प | sarp |
र्य | आर्य | aary |
र्षा | वर्षा (if there is a long vowel, reph goes on the top of the long vowel) | warshhaa |
धन्यवाद !
ड़ is pronounced by flapping the tongue from the retroflex position, forward up to the teeth ridge. Examples: लड़का, लड़की, etc.
ढ़ is similar to ड़ with aspiration (extra puff of air). Example: ढ़ाई, ढ़लना, etc.
In some books, क्ष is not listed in consonant letters because it is borrowed from Sanskrit and a cluster of two consonants half क and श.
Like क्ष, त्र is also not listed in consonant category in some books because, it is another Sanskrit cluster of two consonants त and र.
Like क्ष and त्र, ज्ञ is also not listed in consonant category in some books because, it is another Sanskrit cluster of two consonants half "ga" and "jna."