
6.6 Verbs

Verb Video

Instructor Video: Verb

Verb is an action word. Like all languages, Hindi verbs can be classified in three categories.

a) Intransitive verbs: Verbs that require only one noun/pronoun and that noun/pronoun can either be the subject or the object of a sentence. For example: Walk, Swim, Sleep, arrive, fall, etc.

Verb Hindi English Explanation
तैरना “to swim” राज तैरता है | Raj swims. Here “Raj” a noun acts as a subject of the sentence.
सोना “to sleep” मैं ४ बजे सोता हूँ | I wake up at 4 o’clock. Here “I” a pronoun acts as a subject of the sentence.
पहुँचना “to arrive” ट्रेन पहुँची Train arrived. Here “train” as a noun is an object of the sentence. Because you can ask “what” question (What arrived?).
गिरना “to fall” पत्ते गिरते हैं| Leaves fall. Here “leaves” as a noun is an object of the sentence. Because you can ask “what” question (What falls?).

b) Transitive verbs: Verbs that require two nouns/pronouns. One acts as a subject and other as an object. For example: Eat, Drink, Read, etc.

Verb Hindi English Explanation
खाना “to eat” मैं खाना खाता हूँ | I eat food. Here pronoun “I” acts as a subject, and noun “food” acts as an object.
पढ़ना “to read” राहुल किताबें पढ़ता है | Rahul reads books. Here noun “Rahul” acts as a subject, and noun “books” acts as an object.
देखना “to watch” वह फ़िल्में देखती है | She watches films. Here pronoun “she” acts as a subject, and noun “films” acts as an object.

c) Di-transitive verb: Verbs that require three nouns/pronouns. Nouns/pronouns acts as a subject, indirect object and direct object in a sentence. For example: Give, Send, Receive, etc.

Verb Hindi English Explanation
देना “to give” मैं बच्चों को मिठाइयाँ देता हूँ | I give sweets to children. Here pronoun “I” acts as a subject, noun “children” acts as an indirect object, and noun “sweets” acts as a direct object.
भेजना “to send” मोहन माँ को पत्र भेजता है | Mohan sends letters to mother. Here noun “Mohan” acts as a subject, noun “mother” acts as an indirect object, and noun “letters” acts as a direct object.
बेचना “to sell” राहुल लोगों को किताबें बेचता है | Rahul sells books to people. Here noun “Rahul” acts as a subject, noun “people” acts as an indirect object, and noun “books” acts as a direct object.


List of Commonly Used Verbs

English verb type Hindi English verb type Hindi
To do tran. करना To learn tran. सीखना
To go intran. जाना To converse tran. बात करना
To come intran. आना To laugh intran. हँसना
To turn intran. मुड़ना To cry/weep intran. रोना
To reach intran. पहुँचना To feel tran. महसूस करना
To return intran. लौटना To use tran. उपयोग करना
To run intran. दौड़ना To wait tran. इंतज़ार करना
To practice tran. अभ्यास करना To remember tran. याद करना
To exercise tran. कसरत करना To end tran. खत्म करना
To eat tran. खाना To clean tran. साफ़ करना
To make food tran. खाना बनाना To open tran. खोलना
To drink tran. पीना To shut down tran. बंद करना
To die intran. मरना To explain ditran. समझाना
To stand up intran. खड़ा होना To buy ditran. खरीदना
To sit down intran. बैठना To sell ditran. बेचना
To sleep intran. सोना To see/watch tran. देखना
To wake uo intran. जागना To wash tran. धोना
To rest tran. आराम करना To want tran. चाहना
To read/study tran. पढ़ना To receive tran. प्राप्त करना
To teach tran. पढ़ाना To plan tran. योजना बनाना
To write tran. लिखना To keep tran. रखना
To speak tran. बोलना To tour tran. सैर करना
To ask ditran. पूछना To ride tran. सवारी करना
To say tran. कहना To take ditran. लेना
To listen tran. सुनना To give ditran. देना
To answer tran. उत्तर देना To forgive tran. माफ़ करना


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