
7.8 The Present and Past Progressive Tense

Instructor Video: Progressive in Urdu


Past Tense Present Tense Progressive Aspect Marker Verb Stem
تھا، تھے، تھی، تھیں ہوں، ہو، ہے، ہیں رہا، -رہے، -رہی- کھا، جا

میں کام کر رہا تھا-

“I was working.”

وہ اسکول جا رہا تھا-

“He was going to school.”

 میں کام کر رہا ہوں-

“I am working.”

وہ اسکول جا رہا ہے-

“He is going to school.”


Use of Progressive Aspect Marker with Different Subjects

Progressive markers ( رہا، رہے، رہی) are used based on the number, person and gender features of the agreeing subject.

Habitual markers Masculine/Feminine Plural pronoun Habitual markers Masculine/Feminine Singular Pronoun Person
رہے/رہی ہم “We” رہا/رہی میں “I” 1st
NA رہا/رہی تو “You” 2nd
رہے/رہی (تم (لوگ “You” رہے/رہی تم “You”
رہے/رہی (آپ (لوگ “You” رہے/رہی آپ “You”
رہے/رہی یہ/وہ “They” and plural nouns رہا/رہی یہ/وہ “S/he” and singular nouns 3rd

Note: When subject of a sentence is of mixed gender please use plural masculine aspect marker.

Negation of Progressive Aspect

In order to change progressive aspect sentences in negative, we use the word نہیں right before the verb. When progressive sentences appear in negative, generally, the verb “to be” in present (ہوں، ہو، ہے، ہیں) is dropped, but not in the past (تھا، تھے، تھی تھیں). Negative of past tense keeps the past form of the verb “to be”.


  • لڑکیاں فٹ بال کھیل رہی ہیں “Girls are playing football.”
  • لڑکیاں فٹ بال نہیں کھیل رہیں “Girls are not playing football.”
  • آپ اپنا کمرا صاف کر رہے تھے “You were cleaning your room.”
  • آپ اپنا کمرا صاف نہیں کر رہے “You were not cleaning your room.”

Note: Please notice the extra nasal dot “رہیں” in negative sentences with subject لڑکیاں “girls.” As we drop the verb “to be”, the dot indicates the plural feminine subject, in contrast to a singular feminine subject.

Uses of Progressive Aspect

(a) To express action happening at the time of speaking.


  • بارش ہو رہی ہے “It is raining.”
  • سب لوگ سو رہے ہیں “Everyone is sleeping.”
  • صبا اور سنا ایک فلم دیکھ رہی تھیں “Saba and Sana were watching a film.”


Please add five more examples here. After writing your examples, please change your sentences to negative and past tense.

Grid to write action sentences and then change them to negative and past tense.
Examples Negative Past Tense

(b) To express temporary action. Generally, adverbs like آج کل “these days” and ابھی “right now” are used.


  • روح ابھی کتاب پڑھ رہی ہے “Ruh is reading a book right now.”
  • عمران آجکل گٹار بجا رہا ہے “Imran is playing a guitar these days.”
  • احمد امریکا میں رہ رہا تھا “Ahmed was living/staying in America.”


Please add five more examples here. After writing your examples, please change your sentences in negative and past tense.

Grid to write temporary action sentences, and then change them to negative and past tense.
Examples Negative Past tense

(c) To express planned future action. The sentences must have future adverbs of time. 


  • پیٹر اگلے مہینے پاکستان جا رہا ہے “Peter is going to Pakistan next month.”
  • جین کل کام کر رہی ہے “Jen is working tomorrow.”
  • میں اگلے ہفتے ایک فلم دیکھ رہی ہوں “I am watching a film next week.”

Note: To express planned future action using progressive aspect is only possible in present tense. Past tense of progressive aspect cannot express planned future action.


Please add five more examples here. After writing your examples, please change your sentences in negative and past tense.

Grid to write planned future action sentences, and then change them to negative and past tense.
Examples Negative Past Tense


(a) Please choose the correct progressive aspect markers based on the subject of the sentence.

(b) Please write 5 sentences explaining what you were doing last weekend.

Space to write five sentences explaining what you were doing last weekend.
 – پچھلے ہفتے، میں ____________ تھا/تھی

(c) Please write 5 sentences explaining what you are doing next week.

Space to write five sentences explaining what you are doing next week.
اگلے ہفتے، میں _________________ ہوں




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