
1.5 laam ل , mim م , nun ن , ain ع , ghain غ

Laam ل , mim م , nun ن

Sound Name Letter
l laam ل
m mim م
n nun ن

ل , م , and ن are three distinct letters. They do not belong to the same group. Variants of ن are similar to ب group variants and follow the same rule. If nasalization occurs in the medial position of a word, the variants of ن are used. If nasalization occurs in the final position of word, the Urdu letter ن is used without a dot ں . This letter, indicating nasalization, is known as nun ghunna.

Initial Middle Final
م + ا + ل = مال ن + م + ک = نمک ن + ا + م = نام
ل + م + ب + ا = لمبا ق +ل + م = قلم م + ا + ل = مال
ن + م + ک = نمک ک + ن + و + ا + ں = کنواں خ + ا + ن = خان


Chapter 1.5.1_laam, mim and nun


ain ع Group

Sound Name Letter
vowel letter ain ع
gh ghain غ

ain ( ع ) and ghain ( غ ) are similar-looking letters. However, ain gives vowel sounds where as ghain is a voiced velar fricative consonant sound. Both have different shapes at initial, middle, and final position.

Initial Middle Final
ع + و + ر + ت =عورت  م + ع + ل + و + م = معلوم م + ق+ ط + ع = مقطع
غ + م = غم م +غ + ا + ل + ط + ہ= مغالطہ ب + ا + غ = باغ


Chapter 1.5.2_ain and ghain


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