
1.4 kaaf ک , gaaf گ , swad ص , zwad ض , fe ف , qaaf ق , toe ط , zoe ظ

Kaaf  ک and gaaf گ

Sound Name Letter
k kaaf ک
g gaaf گ

Kaaf and gaaf look similar except gaaf has two strokes connected to the right side. They are connectors, hence the different shapes at the initial, middle, and final positions. They look a little different when combined with alif and laam. (کام – کل)

Initial Medial Final
ک + ا + ر = کار ف + ک + ر = فکر ت + ا + ک = تاک
گ + و + ل = گول ب + گ + ل = بگل پ + ا + ک = پاک


Chapter 1.4.1_ Kaaf and gaaf


swad ص Group

Sound Name Letter
s swad ص
z zwad ض

Swad and zwad are similar-looking letters, except that zwad has a dot. Please also note that the letters س and ص are homophonous and give the sound of “s” as in English sample. ض  is also homophonous with ذ and ز and gives the sound of “zee” as in English zero.

Initial Medial Final
ص + ا + ف = صاف ح + ا + ص + ل = حاصل ش + خ + ص = شخص
ض + ر + و + ر = ضرور ح + ض + ر + ت = حضرت ب + ی + ا + ض = بیاض


Chapter 1.4.2_Swad and Zwad


fe ف Series

Sound Name Letter
f fe ف
q qaaf ق

Letters in the fe group have different full forms. The variants are identical and only distinguishable by the number of dots above the letter.

Initial Medial Final
ف + ل + م = فلم ل + ف + ظ = لفظ ا + ل + ف = الف
ق + ر + ی + ب = قریب و + ق + ت =وقت ف + ر + ق = فرق


Chapter 1.4.3_fe and qaaf


toe ط and zoe ظ

Sound Name Letter
t toe ط
z zoe ظ

ط and ظ  remain the same in all positions, but pay attention with ali ا and laam ل .

Initial Medial Final
ط + و + ر = طور س + ل + ط + ن + ت = سلطنت ق + ح + ط = قحط
ظ + ا +ل + م = ظالم ن + ظ + ر = نظر ا + ل + ف + ا + ظ = الفاظ


Chapter 1.4.4_toe and zoe


Please check your learning.





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