
1.3 be ب ، Jim ج , and sin س Series

ب Series

Sound Name Letter
b be ب
p pe پ
t te ت
T Te ٹ
s se ث

All the letters of the ب series have similar shape in their independent, initial, medial, and final positions. They can only be differentiated by dots and diacritics.

Initial Middle Final
ب + ا + ر + = بار س + ب + ب = سبب ج + ب = جب
پ + ا + ر = پار چ + پ + ٹ +  ا = چپٹا چ + پ = چپ
ت + ا + ر = تار ب + ت + ا = بتا ر + ا + ت = رات
ٹ + ب = ٹب ب + ٹ + ن = بٹن چ + ا + ٹ = چاٹ
ث + ب + و + ت = ثبوت م + ث + ل = مثل ح + د + ی + ث = حدیث

Exercises: Please join the letters to form words. Join the letters to form words

Jim ج Group

Sound Name Letter
j jim ج
ch che چ
h he ح
kh khe خ

Urdu letters of the jim ج group look alike, but the placement of dots distinguishes them. Please learn the shape and the placement of the dots. Letters of the jim ج series are also connectors. They join the following letters in words. Like other connectors, letters of the jim ج series look different at the initial and middle positions. However, the final position and the full form of ج jim series look alike.

Final Middle Initial Letter
حج اجر جا ج
جچ آچر چا چ
آح آ ہر  حا ح
چخ آ خر خا خ

Exercises: Join the letters to form words

Sin س Group

s sin س
sh shin ش

These two letters “s” and “sh” have only one difference: “sh” (ش) is written with three dots on the top of the “s” (س). These are connectors and like most connectors, letters in the Sin س group take the variant in the initial and medial positions, and the full form in the final position.

Initial Middle Final

                س + ب  = سب

م  + س + ت  = مست

ب  + س = بس

ش + ا  + م  = شام

ح + ش + ر = حشر

ک + ا + ش = کاش


1.3.3_Join the letters to form words

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