6.1 Vocabulary: past tense verbs
In this section
- You will practice new vocabulary and use them in conversation with classmates.
- You will then test yourself in vocabulary activities.
Vocabulary (1)
Listen to new vocabulary and repeat as you follow along in the list of words underneath. Listen as many times for fluency.
English | Arabic | English | Arabic |
I enjoyed | استمتعتُ بـ | I was born | وُلِدْتُ |
I was able | استطعتُ | I was raised | نَشأتُ |
I was late | تأخرتُ | I moved to | انتقلتُ إلى |
I ran | جريتُ | I traveled | سافرتُ |
quickly | بِسُرعة | I entered | دخلتُ |
I rode | ركِبتُ | I joined (college) | اِلْتحقتُ بـ |
I arrived at | وَصَلْتُ إلى | I studied | دَرَسْتُ |
I returned | عُدتُ = رجَعتُ | I succeeded | نَجَحتُ |
I lived | عِشتُ | I graduated | تَخرّجتُ |
I visited | زُرتُ | I went out | خَرَجْتُ |
I slept | نِمتُ | I started | بَدَأْتُ |
I obtained | حَصَلتُ على | I sat down | جَلَستُ |
I became | أصبحتُ | I met | قابلتُ |
Job | وظيفة | I spoke with | تكلمتُ مع |
Salary | مُرتّب | I woke up | صحوتُ= استيقظتُ |
Scholarship | مِنحة | I drank | شربتُ |
I got to know | تعرّفتُ على | I ate | أكلتُ |
I loved | أحبَبْتُ | I worked | عملتُ |
Romantic relationship | علاقة عاطِفية | I wrote | كتبتُ |
I stayed up | سَهِرتُ | I read | قرأتُ |
Entertaining | مُمتِع /مُمتِعة | I watched | شاهدتُ |
Boring | مُمِل / مُمِلّة | I listened to | استمعتُ إلى |
I understood | فهِمتُ |
Activity (1): Vocabulary in use. Review the new vocabulary with your classmates through the following module.
Key Takeaways
- Most of the vocabulary here is in the past tense. Move on to the next section to learn about past tense grammar.