
1.4 Speaking: greetings and introductions in Egyptian Arabic

In this section

  • You will learn basic Egyptian Arabic phrases for greetings and introductions.
  • You will also learn about how Egyptian Arabic verbs are different in conjugation and you will use them in small talk and basic conversation.
  • You will apply this speaking practice in self-introduction both in standard and spoken Arabic.
  • You will have sections to record your own presentation and sections to practice with classmates.

Egyptian conversation

group of people sitting indoors greeting and chatting

Read and the following expressions in Egyptian Arabic and listen to the recording below.

English Arabic
How are you (m.) إزيّك = أخبارَك إيه = عامل إيه؟
How are you (f.) إزيِّك = أخبارِك إيه = عاملة إيه؟
good thanks, God كُويّس /كُويّسة الحمد لله
good تمام = بخير
my name اسمي
your (m.) name اسمَك
your (f.) name اسمِك
his name اسمه
her name اسمها
what? إيه
from where? مِنين
where? فين
who? مين
how? إزاي

Now learn how the conjugation of familiar verbs in Egyptian Arabic and listen to the recording.

to live to speak to work to study  
ساكِن باتكلّم باشتغل بادرِس أنا
ساكِن بتتكلّم بتشتغل بتدرِس إنتَ
ساكْنة بتتكلّمي بتشتغلي بتدرسي إنتِ
ساكِن بيتكلّم بيشتغل بيدرِس هوّ
ساكْنة بتتكلّم بتشتغل بتدرِس هيّ

Activity (12): Read the following questions, listen to the embedded recordings underneath then respond in the recording box below. 


with a female classmate with a male classmate
إسمِك إيه؟ إسمَك إيه؟
إنتي منين؟ إنتَ منين؟
جِنسيتِك إيه؟ جِنسيتك إيه؟
بابا جنسيته إيه؟ وماما جنسيتها إيه؟ بابا جنسيته إيه؟ وماما جنسيتها إيه؟
إنتي بتدرسي إيه؟ إنتَ بتدرس إيه؟
إنتي ساكنة فين؟ إنتَ ساكِن فين؟
إنتي بتشتغلي؟ فين؟ إنتَ بتشتغل؟ فين؟
بابا بيشتغل إيه؟ وماما بتشتغل إيه؟ بابا بيشتغل إيه؟ وماما بتشتغل إيه؟

Activity(13): With your classmates, translate these questions into Arabic and engage in a conversation to get complete answers then report your findings to class. 

1)What is your nationality?

2)What is the nationality of your father?

3)What is the nationality of your mother?

4)Which language do you speak?

5)What does your father work?

6)What does your mother work?

Activity (14): Practice speaking. Read the following prompts then respond in audio recording. 


Sing and learn

Watch the song and identify the key line in it.


Key Takeaways

  • You can sustain a basic conversation in Egyptian conversation about your study, work and family.
  • You can identify the linguistic relationship between standard Arabic and the Egyptian spoken variety for daily communication.



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Elementary Arabic II Copyright © 2021 by Ayman Mohamed and Sadam Issa is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.