
8.6 Grammar: Perfective Aspect

We have learned that the main verb can be classified into three categories: (a) intransitive verb, (b) transitive verb, and (c) ditransitive verb. The structure of the perfective aspect for intransitive verbs is different from the structure of transitive and ditransitive verbs.

We also learned that an intransitive verb is a verb that requires only one noun/pronoun in a complete sentence and that the noun/pronoun can be either the subject or the object of that complete sentence.

Verb agreement: The intransitive verb requires only one noun/pronoun that can act like a subject or object. The verb agrees with the subject or object, whichever is available in a sentence.

Perfective Aspect With Intransitive Verbs in Three Tenses

Remarks Future Perfect Present Perfect Past Perfect Simple Perfect
Subject-Verb Agreement: “He” andشما “You” are the subjects of these sentences. If you ask a question like “Who ran?” or “Who slept?”, what you receive as an answer is a subject.

او باید دویده باشد

حتما خوابیدی

او دویده است

تو خواب هستی

او دویده بود

تو خوابیده بودی

او دوید

تو خوابیدی

Object-Verb Agreement: “Train” and “Leaves” are the objects of these sentences. If you ask a question like “What” arrived?” or “What fell?”, you will receive an object as an answer.

قطار باید رسیده باشد

برگها باید ریخته باشند

قطار رسیده است

برگها ریخته اند

قطار رسیده بود

برگ ها افتاده بود

قطار رسید

برگها ریختند

Activity 1

Please write two sentences in perfective aspect using the following intransitive verbs.

Sentences  Intransitive Verbs
 .١  “To go” رفتن
 .١  “To come” آمدن
 .١  “To sit” نشستن
 .١  “To sleep” خوابیدن
 .١  “To stroll” برای قدم زدن
 .١  “To fall” افتادن
 .١  “To run” دویدن
 .١  “To be broken”

شکسته شدن

 .١  “To cry”

گریه کردن

 .١  “To laugh” خندیدن
 .١  “To arrive” رسیدن

Perfective Aspect with Transitive and Ditransitive Verbs

Like English verbs, Persian verbs are either transitive (requiring an object) or intransitive. In Persian an accusative marker (enclitic), “rā” را comes after any definite direct object: Intransitive: “davidam” دویدم (I ran). Transitive: “u-rā didam” او را دیدم (I saw him)

We have learned that a transitive verb is a verb that requires two nouns/pronouns in a complete sentence where one noun/pronoun has to be the subject and other noun/pronoun has to be the object of a complete sentence.

A ditransitive verb is a verb that requires three nouns/pronouns in a complete sentence where one noun/pronoun has to be the subject and the other noun/pronoun has to be the indirect object; yet another noun/pronoun has to be the direct object of a complete sentence.

Look at the following examples:

  • من غذا خوردم (I ate food.)
  • صبا لباس خرید (Saba bought clothes.)
  • ایمان کمی نان خورد (Iman ate some bread.)
  • ایمان به ساناز یک گل داد (They gave Sanaz a flower.)
  • پیتر کتاب ها را به احمد داد (Peter gave books to Ahmed.)
  • معلم با ما صحبت کرد (Teacher spoke to us.)

Activity 2

Please write two sentences in perfective aspect using the following transitive and ditransitive verbs.

Sentences  Transitive Verbs
 .١  “To eat” خوردن
 .١  “To study/read” درس خواندن / مطالعه کردن
 .١  “To write” نوشتن
 .١  “To ask” سوال کردن
 .١  “To teach”درس دادن / یاد دادن
 .١  “To say” گفتن
 .١  “see” دیدن
 .١  “To open” باز کردن
 .١  “To break” شکستن
 .١   “To think” فکر کردن
 .١  “To watch” تماشا کردن

Perfective Aspect Negation

In order to change the perfective aspect sentences to negative, we use the word ن right before the main verb.

For example:

  • من به مدرسه نرفتم (I did not go to school.)
  • ما غذا نخورد یم (We did not eat food.)
  • مادر به بچه ها شیرینی نداد. (Mother did not give sweets to the children.)
  • معلم چیزی به ما یاد نداده بود (Teacher had taught nothing to us.)

Use of Simple Perfective Aspect

Unlike the habitual past tense which expresses the routine, habitual, and permanent actions in the past, the simple perfective aspect expresses one completed action. The past adverb of time can be used in a simple perfective aspect sentence.

For example:

  • دیروز من ۱۰ کیلومتر دویدم (Yesterday, I ran 10 kilometers.)
  • ماه گذشته، پدر یک رادیو خرید (Last month, father bought a radio.)
  • پارسال, او به ایران رفت (Last year, she went to Iran.)

Activity 3

Please write 5 sentences In Persian Language, explaining what you did yesterday in the simple perfective aspect.






Use of the Present Perfective Tense

The perfective aspect in the present tense is used to express a recently completed action, the effect of which may still be continuing. Please note that the past adverbs of time cannot be used in the present perfective tense sentences.

For examples:

  • امروز من ۱۰ کیلومتر دویده ام (Today, I have run 10 kilometers.)
  • امروز , پدرم مقداری پول به من داده است. (Today, my father has given me some money.)
  • من امروز صبح یوگا انجام داده ام (I have done yoga this morning.)

Activity 4

Please write 5 sentences in Persian language explaining what you did today in the present perfective tense.






Use of the Past Perfective Tense

The perfective aspect in the past tense is used to express a distant past completed action, the effect of which may not be continuing at all. Please note that the past adverbs of time can be used in the past perfective tense sentences.

For example:

  • دیروز ده کیلومتر دویدم (Yesterday, I have run 10 kilometers.)
  • ماه گذشته پدرم مقداری پول به من داد (Last month, my father has given me some money.)
  • در کودکی یوگا انجام می دادم (I have done yoga in my childhood.)

Activity 5

Please write 5 sentences in Persian explaining what did you do when you were a child (during your childhood) in the past perfective tense.






Use of the Future Perfective Tense

In English, the future perfective tense is used to show a completed action by a particular time in future. In Persian Language, we simply use Simple future tense to express those actions.

the perfective aspect in the future tense is used to express assumption that some action must have been completed by a particular time.

For example:

  • تا الان بچه ها باید خواب باشند (The children must have fallen asleep by now.)
  • پدر باید تا ساعت ده به دفتر رسیده باشد (Father must have reached the office by 10 o’clock.)
  • مادر باید تا عصر غذا را پخته باشد (Mother must have cooked the food by the evening.)

Activity 6

Please write 5 sentences in Persian language assuming what your friends must have done by now using the future perfective tense.








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