
4.7: Grammar: Prepositions

Prepositions in Persian Language

English has a class of words called “prepositions”. Prepositions are the words that precede a phrase and indicate a relationship between the phrase and another word in the sentence. Persian language has a similar class of words as well. As the name implies, preposition come before the word.

Simple prepositions consist of a single word.


Example In English Translation Transliteration Preposition in Persian Example in Persian
from last year  from az از از سال گذشته
with with با با من
above your head above, over rooye روی روی سرت
to a boy to be به به یک پسر
toward exit door towards be sooye/ Be tarafe به سوی / به طرف به طرف در خروج
In my town in dar دَر در شهرمن
into the bowl into tooye توی توی کاسه
at home at Dar khaneh در در خانه
in the book in toy-e (توی) در کتاب
inside the food inside dakhel داخل /در در غذا
outside home outside biroon khaneh بیرون بیرون خانه
for house for barāy-e برای برای خانه
on a table on,


ruy-e روی روی میز
on top of dishes  on top of ru (رو) روی ظرف ها
under the bed under,


zir زیر زیر تخت خواب
over the clouds over,

on top of,


bālāy-e بالای بالای ابرها
until tomorrow until,


تا تا فردا
as far as I know up to,

as far as


Ta anja ee ke تا آنجایی که تا آنجایی که من می دونم
after the vacation after(wards) ba’d az بعداز بعد از تعطیلات
before leaving before qabl az قبل از قبل از رفتن
except here except qeer az / be joz غیر از / به جُز به غیر از اینجا
regarding your health regarding, rāje’ be راجع به راجع به سلامت شما
about town about, dar bārey-e درباره ی درباره شهر

Prepositions and Postpositions

“Prepositions ” are the words that precede a phrase and indicate a relationship between the phrase and another word in the sentence.

“Postpositions” as the name implies, come after the words.

The post position “را” in Persian language is a sign which follows known objects which make the noun specific. A specific noun is a word that refers to name of a certain person, place, thing, or idea.

Compound pre-positions/post-positions consist of two or more words. Most compound p-positions begin with the noun.


Vocabulary of Transportation

English Persian
Bus اتوبوس
Bike دوچرخه
Walk پیاده
Taxi تاکسی
Airplane هواپیما
Train قطار
Metro مترو
Car ماشین
Ship کشتی




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