
6.7 Grammar: Verb Categories

Transitive, Intransitive, Ditransitive Verbs

Verbs are action words. Like all languages, Persian verbs can be classified into three categories.
  1. Intransitive verbs: Verbs that require only one noun. A noun can be the subject or object of a sentence. For example: walk, swim, sleep, etc.
  2. Transitive verbs: Verbs that require two nouns. One acts as a subject and other as an object. For example: eat, drink, read, etc.
  3. Ditransitive verb: Verbs that require three nouns. Nouns act as a subject, indirect object, and direct object in a sentence. For example: give, send, receive, etc.
Here look at the table with examples in all three kinds of verbs.
English Explanation Persian Verb  
Ramin swims. Here “Ramin” a noun acts as a subject of the sentence.  رامین شنا میکند شنا کردن (to swim) Intransitive Verb
I eat food. Here pronoun “I” acts as a subject, and noun “food” acts as an object. من غذا می خورم خوردن (to eat) Transitive Verb
I give sweets to children. Here pronoun “I” acts as a subject, noun “children” acts as an indirect object, and noun “sweets” acts as a direct object. من به بچه ها شیرینی دادم دادن (to give) Ditransitive Verb

List Of Commonly Used Verbs

English Verb Type Persian English Verb Type Persian
To do tran. انجام دادن To learn tran. یاد گرفتن
To go intran. رفتن To converse tran. صحبت کردن
To come intran. آمدن To laugh intran. خندیدن
To turn intran. چرخیدن To cry intran. گریه کردن
To reach intran. رسیدن To feel tran. حس کردن
To return intran. برگشتن To use tran. استفاده کردن
To run intran. دویدن To wait tran. منتظر شدن
To practice tran. تمرین کردن To remember tran. به خاطر آوردن
To exercise tran. ورزش کردن To end tran. تمام کردن
To eat tran. خوردن To clean tran. تمیز کردن
To make food tran. غذا درست کردن To open tran. باز کردن
To drink tran. نوشیدن To shut down tran. بستن
To die intran. مردن To explain ditran. توضیح دادن
To stand up intran. ایستادن To buy ditran. خریدن
To sit down intran. نشستن To sell ditran. فروختن
To sleep intran. خوابیدن To see/watch tran. دیدن / تماشا کردن
To wake up intran. بیدار شدن To wash tran. شستن
To rest tran. استراحت کردن To want tran. خواستن
To read/study tran. درس خواندن / خواندن To receive tran. دریافت کردن / گرفتن
To teach tran. درس دادن / آموزش دادن To plan tran. برنامه ریختن
To write tran. نوشتن To keep tran. نگه داشتن
To speak tran. صحبت کردن To tour tran. سفر کردن
To ask ditran. سوال کردن To ride tran. سوار کردن
To say tran. گفتن To take ditran. گرفتن
To listen tran. گوش دادن To give ditran. دادن
To answer tran. جواب دادن To forgive tran. فراموش کردن/ بخشیدن

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