
6.5 Study Abroad: Recipe

دستور غذای ایرانی

“Stir Fried Egg and Tomato” by su-lin is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

Learning Objectives

  • You will learn vocabularies related to the favorite recipes.
  • You will learn to follow instructions on making a meal.

Pre-Reading/Listening Activities

  1. In a group of three or four friends, please discuss what you want to learn if/when you are in Iran or any of the Persian/Dari/Farsi speaking countries.
  2. In a group of three or four friends, please discuss different beverages that people drink/eat for breakfast in the morning in Iran and in America.


Context: Sara wakes up early in the morning and saw her host mother, Nasrin, making breakfast for the family and wants to learn how to make an omelet “آُملِت”.

English Persian Speaker
Good morning, mother, what are you making? صبح به خیر مامان نسرین. چه کار میکنید؟ سارا
Good morning Dear Sara, you are awake so early today. I am

making omelet.

صبح به خیرسارا جان!.امروز خیلی زود از

خواب بیدار شدی ! من دارم صبحانه حاضر می کنم

This is great. I want to learn cooking Persian breakfast. چه خوب. من می خواهم درست کردن

صبحانه ایرانی را یاد بگیرم

Today I am making omelet. Omelet is very easy. We need a

few eggs and a few tomatoes, a little salt and pepper and oil.

 امروز برای صبحانه املت درست

می کنم. املت خیلی آسونه.برای املت به

چند تا تخم مرغ ، چند تا گوجه , کمی

 نمک ،فلفل و روغن نیاز داریم

First, chop tomatoes and beat the eggs with salt and pepper. اول گوجه ها را خرد می کنیم و تخم مرغ ها

را در یک ظرف با کمی نمک و فلفل هم

می زنیم

Heat oil in the pan, then add chopped tomatoes to the pan

and let it cook for 15 minutes until the liquids is evaporated.

Then, add the bitten eggs to the pan and cook with low heat

for 10 minutes.

 روغن را در ماهیتابه گرم می کنیم . بعد

گوجه های خرد شده را به ماهیتابه اضافه

می کنیم ومی گذاریم برای پانزده دقیقه می پزیم تا اب گوجه بخار بشه. بعد تخم مرغ ها را اضافه کرده و با حرارت کم برای ده دقیقه می پزیم

This is great. Next time, Can I make omelet for the family? خیلی خوبه. دفعه دیگه من می تونم برای

خانواده املت درست کنم؟

Indeed. !حتماً نسرین


Post-Reading/Listening Activities

  1. a) Please match the following:
  2. Please try to follow the instruction given above and try to make Omelet for yourself.
  3. Please write a list of instructions of your favorite beverage or meal that you like to eat and record the instructions here and share it with your friends.

Key Takeaways

  • You can talk about your favorite Persian food.
  • You can ask and answer questions regarding instructions.



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Basic Persian Copyright © 2023 by Nahid Shiran is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.