6.10 Cultural Notes and Extra Online Materials

Cultural Notes

Topics Explanation
1. تو  ,  شما It is very important for all Persian  language learners to learn the proper uses ofتو and شما. Typically, people learn about students’ cultural competence based on their uses of these variants of the pronoun “you”. As it is explained in the chapter, you should use them appropriately.
2. Giving orders As you learned in this chapter, the تو and شما  forms are used for giving instructions and commands. Persian native speakers hardly use this with strangers. So, if you meet any strangers, please use the formal  form and try not to give instructions and commands.
3. Making requests Please use this شما form to make a request. However, it is important to keep in mind that native speakers may use the subjunctive to express requests and not the imperative forms .
4. Cooking In Iran ,Natives traditionally  learn to cook by either participating in cooking or observing. Reading a cookbook and/or following written recipes is not very common part of the culture.
5. Giving suggestions Iranian, Middle eastern  and South Asians always give advice and suggestions even though you didn’t ask for it. It may sound like a violation of privacy for non heritage  to receive unsolicited suggestions. However, this is the way they show that they care and express their love for you. Please observe this culture and participate in it.

Extra/Optional Online Materials



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