5.5 Grammar, Simple Past Tense

Verb ” to be” in the Past

Simple past tense

In Chapter 2, we learned verb “to be” in the present tense, which is “است/ هست. Today, in this lesson, we are going to learn about the verb “to be” in the past tense. Simple past tense in Persian shows  an action that happened and was completed in the past. 

Previously we learned that in order to make a sentence in present tense we need to use present stem of the verb. to make a sentence in past tense we need past stem of the verb. as you see in the table below, to form simple past tense, we remove the ن from the end of infinitive form.


Infinitive form Past present stem
to be – بودن was – بود am – هست
to see – دیدن saw دید see- بین

Here, I have made a list of all the English pronoun, with their Persian equivalents with verb “to be” in the past tense which  would be “بود”.

As always, we must add verb ending that matches with noun/ pronoun when we conjugate them.

Conjugation table:

verb ” to be” in the past tense + verb ending Plural pronoun verb “to be” in past tense + verb ending singular pronouns
دیدیم ما دیدم من
دیدید شما دیدی تو
دیدند آنها دید او

Here is an example of the verb “to be” in the past sentence.

English Persian 
There was a boy in this room. یک پسر در این اتاق بود


Common verbs with present and past stems:

translation present stem Past stem infinitive form
To Come آی آمد آمدن
To go رو رفت رفتن
To read خوان خواند خواندن
To eat خور خورد خوردن
To cook پز پخت پختن
To see بین دید دیدن
To arrive رس رسید رسیدن
To become شو شد شدن
to say گوی گفت گفتن
To write نویس نوشت نوشتن


Read the following text and rewrite it in past tense:

مادرم امروز به ایران می رود. بعضی از اقوام ما در تهران زندگی می کنند. مادرم در تهران چند روز می ماند. بعد از چند روز او به شیراز میرود. وقتی به شیراز می رسد با یک تور تفریحی به جنوب می رود. او بعد از تور به تهران بر میگردد و بقیه دوران سفر را در تهران می ماند


Past tense text:



Grammar point: Suffix Pronoun

In Persian Language, suffix pronouns are connected to the end of a word and can not appear alone.

Here is a chart of suffix pronoun table:

Plural Singular
 مان + word م + word 1st Person
تان + word ت +word 2nd Person
شان + word ش + word 3rd Person 

The word can be:

noun + suffix pronoun               Example:             کتاب +ش = کتابش

preposition + suffix pronoun    Example:             برای  + او = برایش

verb + suffix pronoun                Example: می بینم + او را = می بینمش



read the following text and mark all the suffix pronouns:



Please choose the correct past form of the verb “to be” to fill in the blanks.




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