
4.2 Vocabulary and Speaking: Nominal and Verbal Sentences

In this section:

  • You will learn about names of places and how to structure sentences around them.
  • You will ask and answer questions with your classmates using the new vocabulary.

Vocabulary (1)

Listen, read and repeat the following vocabulary that relates to house and places.

English Transcription Arabic English Transcription Arabic
picture Suurah صورة apartment shaqqah شقة
blackboard sabburah سبورة room Ghurfah غرفة
piece of paper waraqah ورقة door baab باب
page SafHah صفحة window shubbak شباك
garden/park Hadiiqah حديقة chair kursi كرسي
tree shajarah شجرة table Tawilah طاولة
flower wardah وردة desk/office maktab مكتب
club naadi نادي library maktaba مكتبة
cinema sinimah سينما bed sariir سرير
museum mutHaf متحف closet dulaab دولاب
mall moal مول couch kanabah كنبة
store/shop maHal محل bathroom Hammam حمام
restaurant maT'am مطعم kitchen maTbaKh مطبخ
party Haflah حفلة dresser tasriiHa تسريحة
gym naadi riyaaDi/Jim نادي رياضي / جيم mirror miraya مراية
building mabna/binayah مبنى / بناية clock/watch sa'aah ساعة
carpet sijjadah سجادة
bulb lamba لمبة
vase vaza فازة

Activity (5): With your teacher and then with classmates, ask and answer questions about the weekend, guided by the following pictures.

أين تذهبين في نهاية الأسبوع

Ayna tathhabiin fi nihayat al usbuu’?

Where do you (f.) go on the weekend?

أين تذهب في نهاية الأسبوع

Ayna tathhab fi nihayat al usbuu’?

Where do you (m.) go on the weekend?

inside the gym inside a clothes store
museum couple at the restaurant
library cinema

Activity (6): Describe what is in the rooms using the guiding phrases below.

classroom bedroom living room
alfaSl fihi _______________

alfaSl laysa fihi ___________

الفصل فيه / ليس فيه

alghurfah fiha _____________

alghurfa laysa fiha ___________

الغرفة فيها / ليس فيها

Hunaak _______________

Laysa Hunaak ____________

هناك / ليس هناك

Activity (7): Ask and answer yes/no questions. Report to class using the prompts below.




1) Do you have a cat or dog? ……………………………….
2) Do you have a brother or sister? ……………………………….
3) Do you have a car? ……………………………….
4) Do you drink coffee in the morning? ……………………………….
5) Do you have a house? ……………………………….
6) Do you watch movies at the cinema? ……………………………….
7) Do you like chicken from Subway? ……………………………….

Reporting prompts

هو عنده / ليس عنده


هي عندها / ليس عندها


هو يُحبّ / لا يُحبَ


هو يُريد / لا يُريد


Key Takeaways

  • You can describe your houses or places you go to using the appropriate structure.


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