
3.3 Reading and Speaking: Shopping and Ordering in Egyptian Arabic

In this section:

  • You will learn new expressions in Egyptian Arabic that relate to shopping and ordering food.
  • You will practice using these expressions in role-play and common shopping situations.

Activity (8): With your classmates, discuss how you would say the following in Arabic. Write your translations in the box below.

1) I don’t have news. …………………………………………………
2) There isn’t a teacher in the class. …………………………………………………
3) There is a new house on this street. …………………………………………………
4) My friend drinks coffee every day. …………………………………………………
5) I don’t like juice. …………………………………………………
6) The cat eats bread and milk. …………………………………………………
7) I drink tea with sugar. …………………………………………………
8) She wants to go to the class. …………………………………………………
9) I like to eat chicken and salad. …………………………………………………
10) There is a small dog in the car. …………………………………………………
11) There is no homework in the book. …………………………………………………
12) He does not want to live in a big city. …………………………………………………

Shopping and Ordering

vegetables at market

Learn new words and expressions in Egyptian Arabic relating to shopping and ordering food and drinks.

English Transcription Arabic English Transcription Arabic
what you drink? tishrab/i eeh? تشرب /تشربي إيه؟ If you (m.) please min faDlak من فضلَك
medium coffee ahwa mazbuuT قهوة مظبوط If you (f.) please min faDlik من فضلِك
black coffee ahwa saada قهوة سادة I (m.) want 'aayiz عايز
sweet coffee ahwa sukkar ziyaada قهوة سكر زيادة I (f.) want 'ayyiza عايزة
lemon lamoon لمون bring (m.) me haat li هات لي
mango manga مانجا bring (f.) me haati li هاتي لي
orange burtuqaal برتقال is it possible? mumkin ممكن
tomatoes TamaaTim طماطم I am sorry aasif/aasifa آسف /آسفة
onions BaSal بصل thank you shukran شكراً
peppers filfil فلفل you are welcome 'afwan عفواً
shirt qamiiS قميص ok maashi ماشي
trouser banTaloon بنطلون there is fii فيه
skirt jiiba جيبة there is not mafiish مافيش
blouse blouza بلوزة something else Haaga taani حاجة تاني
T-shirt tishirt تي شيرت how much? bikaam بكام
laptop labtub لابتوب here you are itfaDDal/i اتفضّل / اتفضّلي

Activity (9): What would you say in the following situations? Write your responses below. 

1) You enter a store and greet the owner. What would you say?
2) You politely say that you need a small, green T-shirt.
3) The salesman looks, but he does not find one and apologizes, saying there isn’t a green one.
4) You ask if there is a white T-shirt.
5) The salesman says yes, there is.
6) You ask about the price of the white T-shirt.
7) The salesman says the T-shirt is $10.
8) You like the T-shirt and you say “okay” and hand over the money.
9) The salesman asks you if you need something else.
10) You thank the salesman and say goodbye.

Activity (10): Role-Play: Record your skit below. 

two women at a cafe

Work out a café scenario with your classmates using the expressions above and the expressions of request you learned so far. Consider the following:

  • Casual greetings and welcoming the client.
  • Exchange questions to inquire about what is there and what is not there.
  • Make orders.
  • The waiter delivers the orders.
  • Ask for the bill, pay, and exchange thanks and goodbyes.

Key Takeaways

  • Go to the next lesson to continue learning.


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