Culture Notes
Weather in Vietnamese Idioms and Proverbs
Weather is an important aspect of life in Vietnam. It determines economic, social, and cultural activities. It also affects the way people choose clothes, materials for houses, food, etc.
Due to its importance, Vietnamese people have many proverbs and idioms about the weather. Some of them are:
Chuồn chuồn bay thấp thì mưa, bay cao thì nắng, bay vừa thì râm.
(When a dragonfly is flying low, it is likely to rain.
When it is flying high, it is likely to be sunny.
When it is flying mid-level, it will be cloudy/shady.)
Cơn đằng Đông vừa trông vừa chạy. Cơn đằng Nam vừa làm vừa chơi.
(When a rain cloud comes from the East, you need to act quickly.
When it comes from the South, you can take it easy.)
Ếch kêu uôm uôm, ao chuôm đầy nước.
(When you hear the frogs, it will rain.)
Dày sao thì nắng, vắng sao thì mưa.
(When you see lots of stars, it will be sunny. If not, it will rain.)
Đêm tháng năm chưa nằm đã sáng. Ngày tháng mười chưa cười đã tối.
(Nighttime in May is very short. Daytime in October is very short.)
Tháng ba bà già chết rét.
(It is very cold in March.)
(Literally: Old ladies may die from the cold of March.)