

In this chapter, we learn three question words: Đâu – Nào – Mấy.

1. Asking About Places with “ĐÂU”

Đâu” is used as a question word referring to places.

In other words, “Đâu” = “Where”.

Vietnamese English
– Trong ảnh này, đâu là bạn? In this picture, where are you?
– Bạn sinh ra ở đâu? Where were you born?
Literally: You were born where?
– Bạn đến từ đâu? Where are you from?
Literally: You are from where?
– Anh muốn đi đâu? Where do you want to go?
Literally: You want to go where?

As you can see, “Ở đâu” and “Từ đâu” are two variations of “Đâu.

They are formed by adding prepositions before “đâu“:

  • means “in/at“.
  • Từ” means “From“.

2. Asking for Specific Information with “NÀO”

Nào” means “which”, and is often used when a person wants to ask for a specific kind of information.

Structure: N + nào = Which + N

Vietnamese English
– Bạn chọn môn nào? Which subject do you choose?
Literally: You choose which subject?
– Bạn đến từ nước nào? Which country do you come from?
Literally: You are from which country?
– Quyển sách nào là của bạn? Which book is yours?
– Anh là người tỉnh nào? Which town are you from?
Literally: You are the person of which town?

3. Asking About Numbers with “MẤY”

Mấy” indicates the quantity and is often used for questions about numbers.

Normally the person asking the question is expecting a small number.

For large numbers, we use “bao nhiêu” which we will learn in the future chapters.

Structure: Mấy + N = How many + N

Vietnamese English
– Con mấy tuổi? How old are you, kid?
Literally: Kid, how many years old are you?
– Bạn biết mấy thứ tiếng? How many languages do you know?
Literally: You know how many languages?
– Lớp học có mấy sinh viên? How many students are in the class?
Literally The class has how many students?
Mấy người sẽ tới đây? How many people will come here?

To answer these questions, you will need numbers. Here are some basic ones:

  • Không: 0
  • Một: 1
  • Hai: 2
  • Ba: 3
  • Bốn: 4
  • Năm: 5
  • Sáu: 6
  • Bẩy/Bảy: 7
  • Tám: 8
  • Chín: 9
  • Mười: 10


  1. Chọn từ đúng:

  2. Chọn câu đúng:


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