

This online textbook is created based on my experience in teaching and designing the Khmer language programs at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office Language Centre in London. This is also the textbook used in teaching Khmer at the Southeast Asian Studies Summer Institute (SEASSI) UW-Madison and at Michigan State University. This online interactive theme-based textbook is for intermediate students. By the end of  this course, students will be at B2 level of the Common Framework for Language and at the mid-intermediate level on the ACFTL proficiency scales.

This book contains nine chapters. Each chapter has clear learning outcomes, grammar points, and cultural notes. Each chapter also has a listening, speaking, reading, writing, and grammar section followed by interactive activities. Cultural notes and a few online materials related to the theme of the chapter are also introduced. Each chapter ends with a chapter summary​ containing a list of functional expressions, grammar summary, and the further practice section where exercises/activities are provided to students to continue practicing the target language or the topic of the chapter.

The layout of each chapter is either followed by three modes of communication (interpretative, interpersonal, and presentation mode) across the four skills or three stages of teaching reading/listening: pre-reading, reading, and post reading. Vocabulary in reading and listening is built in the conversation with the English translation, so that learners can infer the meaning in the given context. Learning activities have been developed by using H5P so that learners can get immediate constructive feedback.

This book is an online resource; your constructive feedback will  help me keep this book updated. If you find any errors and/or have suggestions, please do not hesitate to write to sokvatha@msu.edu. I hope that this course will be an indispensable resource that helps both independent learners and students who are taking courses in Cambodian/Khmer.


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Intermediate Khmer Copyright © 2024 by Vathanak Sok is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.