2.7 Chapter Summary

Functional Expressions
Khmer English
អ្នកជិះអីទៅភ្នំពេញ? How did you get to Phnom Penh?
ជិះប៉ុន្មានម៉ោងទៅដល់ភ្នំពេញ? How long does it take to get to Phnom Penh?
វាយ៉ាងម៉េចដែរ? How is it?/How was it?
គ្នាគិតថាជិះឡានក្រុងវិញ។ I think I will take the bus instead.
សប្បាសណាស់! ​​ It was so much fun.
ម្តាយខ្ញុំអត់ចង់ឱ្យខ្ញុំជិះឡានតាក់ស៊ីទេ។ My mother does not want to me to take a taxi.
Summary of Grammar Points
Grammar Points Summary
ដែល Have you ever…?

ដែល “have you ever…?” is placed before main verb. It is used to ask questions about experiences in someone’s life.

មិនដែល/អត់ដែល​​ “never” is used to talk about things you have not done at any time in your life.


អ្នកដែលរៀនភាសាខ្មែរទេ? “Have your ever learned Khmer?”

ខ្ញុំមិនដែលរៀនភាសាថៃទេ។ “I have never learned Thai.”

Independent Vowels

In Khmer, independent vowels are referred to as ស្រះពេញតួ, which translates to “complete vowels” due to their ability to exist on their own, without being connected to a consonant symbol.

The independent vowels are employed in a limited set of words, primarily derived from Indic languages, resulting in certain irregularities in their usage and pronunciations. Nevertheless, there are several words that are commonly used, such as: ឥវ៉ាន “things”, ឪពុក “father”, “or”, “hear”, ឯង “oneself, you”, and ឯណា “where”.

The Adverb “Once, Twice, Thrice” in Khmer

The particle ដង​ is combined with the numbers to describe something has been done a few times, but not very often. However, when មួយ “one” is used with a particle ដង, it is contracted to ម្តង.



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