
2.5 Bus or Speed Boat?

The Adverb “Once, Twice, Thrice” in Khmer

The particle ដង is combined with the numbers to describe something has been done a few times, but not very often. However, when មួយ “one” is used with a particle ដង, it is contracted to ម្តង.


ខ្ញុំបានទៅសៀមរាបម្តង។​ “I have been to Siem Reap once.”

Comparing with:

គាត់បានទៅភ្នំពេញ២ដង “He has been to Phnom Penh twice.”


Listen to two different groups of people talking about their trips to Siem Reap. Based on their conversations, decide whether you will take a bus or a​ speed boat when you plan to visit Siem Reap in future. Then answer the following questions. Transcript of Conversation I. Transcript of Conversation II.


After listening to the conversations, match the Khmer expressions with the English expressions.


Listen to the conversations again and then rearrange the conversations.


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