
2.2 Have you ever been to Kratie?

1. Pre-reading

 Have you ever…?

ដែល​ “have you ever…?” is placed before main verb. It is used to ask questions about experiences in someone’s life.

មិនដែល/អត់ដែល​​ “never” is used to talk about things you have not done at any time in your life. 


  • អ្នកដែលរៀនភាសាខ្មែរទេ? “Have your ever learned Khmer?” 
  • ខ្ញុំមិនដែលរៀនភាសាថៃទេ។ “I have never learned Thai.”

Test Yourself

Pair the Khmer questions with their corresponding English translations.

Read and rearrange the sentences to form correct sentences, then compare them with your classmates.

2. Reading

Each blank represents a sentence from the conversation. Read the rest of the sentences and provide the missing sentences that you think best fit to the conversation.

Answer the following questions after reading. 

3. Post-reading

Create a dialogue using the dialogue you have read. Please use the following expressions, where appropriate.

  • អ្នកដែលទៅ…?​ How you ever been to…?
  • អ្នកជិះអីទៅទីនោះ? How did you go there?
  • អ្នកជិះប៉ុន្មានម៉ោងទៅដល់ទីនោះ?​ How long did it take to arrive there?​
  • វាយ៉ាងម៉េចដែរ? How was your trip?
Then read the following conversation and compare with the conversation you have created.​

Donna Kyle! ឯងដែលទៅប្រទេសឥណ្ឌាទេ?

Kyle  ដែលត៎ា! គ្នាបានទៅប្រទេសឥណ្ឌា២អាទិត្យមុន។

Donna វាយ៉ាងម៉េចដែរ?

Kyle សប្បា​យណាស់! គ្នាបានឃើញប្រាសាទ តាម៉ាហាល​ នៅទីនោះ។

Donna ឯងជិះអីទៅ?

Kyle គ្នាបានជិះយន្តហោះទៅប្រទេសឥណ្ឌា។

Donna ជិះប៉ុន្មានម៉ោងទៅដល់ទីនោះ?

Kyle ប្រហែល២៣ម៉ោង។​


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