1.6 Chapter Summary

Functional Expressions
Khmer English
ថ្លៃប៉ុន្មាន?/យកប៉ុន្មាន? How much it is or how much do it cost?
ឡើងមក​/ឡើងជិះមក។ Hop on!
ខ្ញុំចង់ទៅហ្នឹង​។ I want to go there.
ទៅផ្សារថ្មីតាមផ្លូវណា? How do I get to Phsar Thmey?
វានៅខាងឆ្វេងដៃ។ It is on the left-hand side.
ពេលទៅដល់…/រហូតទៅដល់… When you arrive at…
តោះចឹង! let’s go then.
អត់អីទេ! No problem!


Summary of Grammar Points
Grammar Points Summary
The word នៅ​​​ and propositions in Khmer When talking about where someone or something is situated, the verb “To be” is replaced by the word នៅ. 

Also, the word នៅ​ is commonly formed with preposition such as ក្នុង​ “in”, លើ “on”, ក្រោម “under”​, មុខ “in front of” and ក្រោយ “behind”.


  1. ខ្ញុំនៅក្នុងបន្ទប់គេងរបស់ខ្ញុំ។ “I am in my bedroom.”
  2. សៀវភៅរបស់គាត់នៅលើ​តុ។ “His book is on the table.”
The verb ជិះ The verb ជិះ “to ride” is used with a number of nouns to describe movement from one place to another on an animal or vehicle.

Example: ជិះម៉ូតូ “ride a motorbike”

The question word “how much?” in Khmer The question word យកប៉ុន្មាន? and ថ្លៃប៉ុន្មាន are interchangeably used to bargaining the price.
The word ម៉េះ The word ម៉េះ​ meaning “this much” is the informal word of ម៉្លេះ​.  This word is often used with ថ្លៃ and ច្រើន as in ម៉េចថ្លៃម៉េះ?​ “why so expensive?” and ម៉េចច្រើនម៉េះ “why so much/why so many?”.
The pattern …បានទេ? The pattern …បានទេ? is used to bargaining the price.

For example: ៥ដុល្លាបានទេ? “Can you do it for 5 dollar?”

ចុះថ្លៃបន្តិចបានទេ? “Can you lower the price a little bit?”



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