1.3 Giving Directions

1. Pre-reading: The Four Cardinal Directions in Khmer

Listen and turn the cards to see the Khmer translations.

Cardinal Directions Quiz

Imagine you are facing North. Answer the following questions based on that orientation.

2. Reading

Read the conversation​​ between a young man (A) from Siem Reap province and a Phnom Penh resident (B) for the directions to go to Central Market and then answer the following questions. 

A: អត់ទោសបងប្រុស! ទៅផ្សារថ្មីតាមផ្លូវណា?

B: ពីផ្សារកណ្តាល បងបត់ឆ្វេង ហើយដើរទៅទិសខាងលិចតាមផ្លូវលេខ១៤៤។ ពេលទៅដល់កាច់ជ្រុងមហាវិថីព្រះនរោត្តម  បងបត់ស្តាំ ហើយដើរត្រង់ទៅទិសខាងជើងឆ្ពោះទៅវត្តភ្នំ។ ​  ពេលទៅដល់កាច់ជ្រុងផ្លូវ១៣០​ បត់ឆ្វេងនៅភ្លើងស្តុប។

A: ដើរប៉ុន្មាននាទីបង?

B: ប្រហែល​ ១៥នាទី។

A: អរគុណ​ បងប្រុស!

3. Post-reading

Now, imagine someone is asking you for a direction to go to Royal Palace from Central market. Use the map provided and record yourself giving a direction to go to Royal Palace from Central market.

Please follow instructions that the Phonm Penh resident gave to a young man (A) from Siem Reap province in the previous conversation.  

According to the map, you walk straight east from the Central Market, then turn right at the corner of Boulevard Norodom, then straight south, then left at street 214, and finally straight east.
Phnom Penh Map © Stefan Fussan, 2008, CC BY-SA 3.0.


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Intermediate Khmer Copyright © 2024 by Vathanak Sok is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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