
H5P activities list

This book includes 130 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
1What did you learn about KhmerTrue/False Question
2Exchanging greeting or exchanging personal information?Drag Text
3Introducing yourself in KhmerAudio Recorder
4Record yourself reading each consonant out loud.Audio Recorder
6Greeting and self-introduction in KhmerMultiple Choice
7True/False QuestionTrue/False Question
8True/False QuestionTrue/False Question
9Formal conversationMark the Words
10Formal conversation_mutilple-choiceMultiple Choice
11Formal conversation_mutiple-choiceMultiple Choice
12Fill in the blanks using the formal and polite languages.Drag Text
16Your conversationAudio Recorder
17I am a teacher.Fill in the Blanks
18Feel sorry aboutDrag Text
19Feel sorry aboutAudio Recorder
20Number in KhmerDrag Text
21Number in KhmerAudio Recorder
22How do you say the following sentences in Cambodian?Audio Recorder
23Choose the correct answerSingle Choice Set
1 2 3 7