H5P activities list

This book includes 128 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
24Tell us more about yourselfAudio Recorder
25Tell us about your siblings.Audio Recorder
26Thida's family questionsSingle Choice Set
27What time is it in London?Audio Recorder
28Odd one out!Mark the Words
30a.m and p.m in CambodianDrag Text
31Suppose someone ask you what it is.Drag Text
32Dictation: Vowel ាាំោៅDictation
33Write down words you have heardDictation
34Dictation: Vowel ិីឹឺMark the Words
35True/False Question: Vothy's FamilySingle Choice Set
36Sokha and Sophiap's familySingle Choice Set
38Phone numberFill in the Blanks
39First and second series of consonantsDrag Text
40Vowel and its positionsDrag Text
41Khmer Vowel and its positionDrag Text
42Khmer Vowel and its position 2Mark the Words
43Vowel ាាំោៅDrag Text
44Vowel ាាំោៅAudio Recorder
45Vowel ិីឹឺAudio Recorder
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