
List of Abbreviations

Value Description Chapter
A constant loan payment 16
AE annuity equivalent 8, 10, 12, 13
AIS accrual income statement 4, 5, 6, 12, 13
AL accrued liabilities 12, 13
AP accounts payable 5, 12, 13
APR annual percentage rate 16
AR accounts receivable 12, 13
ATCF after-tax cash flow 3, 12, 13
AVG attachment value goods 21
CA current assets 5
CE cash expenses 5, 12
CFS coordinated financial statements 4, 5, 6
CL current liabilities 5
COGS cost of goods sold 4, 5, 6, 12
CPI consumer price index 14
CR cash receipts 12
d geometric decay 11
D debt 5, 6, 7, 8, 15
Dep depreciation 3, 12
E equity 5, 6, 7, 8, 15
EBIT earnings before interest and taxes 4, 5, 6, 12
EBT earnings before taxes 4, 5, 6, 12
EV expected value-variance 15
FTC Federal Trade Commission 5
FV future values 19
g nominal growth rate 17
g* real growth rate 17
GAAP generally accepted accounting practices 4
i average interest rate 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16
i (superscript) investment identifier 9, 10, 15
INV inventories 5, 6
IRR internal rate of return 9, 10, Appendix
IRRA internal rate of return on Assets 12, 13
IRRE internal rate of return on Equity 12, 13
IRS Internal Revenue Service 2, 3, 12
L loan amount 16
LLC Limited Liability Company 2
m profit margin 5, 6, 10, 15, 16, 19, Appendix
MACRS modified accelerated cost recovery system 12
MIRR modified IRR 9, 10
mn term 16
MNPV modified NPV 9, 10
NIAT net income after taxes 4, 5, 6, 12
NPC net present cost 18
NPV net present value 7–21
NWC net working capital 5
OE overhead expense 4, 5, 6
p percent of loan to be paid as a refinance cost 16
PV present value 1, 2, 7–20, Appendix
QTM quantity theory of money 14
r nominal discount rate 7–20, Appendix
rf APR 14, 16
rm market rate of interest 7
r* real discount rate 17

constant value of net cash flow 8, 10, 11, 14, Appendix
constant value of cash deposits 19
Rti cash flow earned by investment i in the tth period 9
R (bold) vector of cash flow values Rti earned by V0i 9
RCG Realized Capital Gains 12
ROA return on assets 5–8, 12, 15, Appendix
ROE return on equity 5–8, 12, 15, Appendix
ROI return on investment 7, 12
S units sold 6
liquidation value 7, 8
sum of compounded periodic cash flows 9, 10,17
standard deviation from a sample distribution 15
SCF statement of cash flow 4, 12
SEC Securities and Exchange Commission 5
SEG socio-emotional goods 21
T tax 3, 5, 11, 12
t (subscript) time period 7, 9–18
TI total interest 16
V0 initial value 7–15, 17–20, Appendix
W firm’s wealth value 15
w outcome variable 15
WCC Weighted Cost of Capital 12
y outcome variable 15
Excel Functions
FV future value 19, Appendix
IPMT interest payment 16
IRR internal rate of return Appendix
NPER number of periods Appendix
NPV net present value Appendix
PMT period payment Appendix
PV present value Appendix
RATE rate Appendix
Cov() covariance 15
E() expected value operator 15
Pr() probability 15
S(r, Rti) Sum of periodic cash flows 9, 10
US0(rf/m, mn) uniform series of $1 payments discounted at the actuarial rate for (mn) periods 16
Greek Characters
∆ (Delta) difference / change 4, 12, 13, 16
α (alpha) endogenous projection constant 13
tax adjustment rate for capital gains (losses) 17
β (beta) coefficient multiplying an exogenous variable 13, 15
γ (gamma) scaling factor 9
rate of technological change 10
financed proportion of the purchase price 14
percentage between 0 and 100 15
change in L0 16
% of the investment’s value allowed to be deducted in a given year 18
δ (delta) compounding / discounting factor 9, 10
percent compensation for lost revenues 15
ϵt (epsilon) average error in the tth period 13
ϵ (epsilon) random variable component of a risky event 15
η (eta) capital gains (loss) rate 14
θ (theta) average tax adjustment coefficient 11, 17, 18, 19
λ (lambda) average risk aversion coefficient 15
μ (mu) the expected value of a probability density function 15
π (pi) insurance premium paid to exchange a risky distribution with a sure value 12, 15
ρ (rho) correlation coefficient between two random variables 15
σ (sigma) variance of a probability density function 15
ATO asset turnover ratio 6
ATOT asset turnover time ratio 6
C coverage ratio 14
CT current ratio 6, 16
CTR current-to-total returns ratio 14
DE debt-to-equity ratio 6
DS debt-to-service ratio 6
EM equity multiplier ratio 6
ITO inventory turnover ratio 6
ITOT inventory turnover time ratio 6
PE price-to-earnings ratio 6, 14
PTO payable turnover ratio 6
PTOT payable turnover time ratio 6
QK quick ratio 6
RTO receivable turnover ratio 6
RTOT receivable turnover time ratio 6
SPELL solvency, profitability, efficiency, liquidity, leverage 6
TIE times interest earned ratio 6, 16