Book Title: Matrix Algebra with Computational Applications
Book Description: Matrix Algebra with Computational Applications is a collection of Open Educational Resource (OER) materials designed to introduce students to the use of Linear Algebra to solve real-world problems. These materials were developed specifically for students and instructors working in a "flipped classroom" model that emphasizes hands-on problem-solving activities during class meetings, with students watching lectures and completing readings and assignments outside of the classroom. To access the Matrix Algebra with Computational Applications website, please go to
Book Information
Book Description
Matrix Algebra with Computational Applications is a collection of Open Educational Resource (OER) materials designed to introduce students to the use of Linear Algebra to solve real-world problems. These materials were developed specifically for students and instructors working in a “flipped classroom” model that emphasizes hands-on problem-solving activities during class meetings, with students watching lectures and completing readings and assignments outside of the class.
Instructors interested in using these materials are encouraged to reach out to Dr. Dirk Colbry ( in advance to gain access to additional materials and examples designed to support teaching and student evaluation.
To access the Matrix Algebra with Computational Applications website, please go to
Matrix Algebra with Computational Applications Copyright © 2021 by Dirk Colbry is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.