7 Lesson 11 Dialogue 1: 周末去露营





中文 拼音 英文
yuē v., to date, to invite, to schedule a time
出去 chū qù v., to go out
露营 lù yíng v., to go camping
天气 tiān qì n., weather
chá v., to look up, to examine
预报 yù bào v./n., to forecast; forecast
晴天 qíng tiān n., sunny day
气温 qì wēn n., temperature
摄氏 shè shì n., Celsius
n., degree
adj., low
暖和 nuǎn huó adj., warm
zhuǎn v., to turn
多云 duō yún adj., cloudy
yīn adj., cloudy (without the sun)
huì v., will
下雨 xià yǔ v., to rain
lěng adj., cold
prep./v., than, to compare
白天 bái tiān n., daytime
糟糕 zāo gāo adj., awful, terrible
bàn v., to deal with, to handle
怎么办 zěn me bàn question word, what to do
雨伞 yǔ sǎn n., umbrella
帐篷 zhàng péng n., tent

Grammar Notes:

  1. The verb in the sentence “明后天的天气会怎么样”
    The verb has multiple meanings. We learned that it can be used to mean a learned skill, as in the sentence 我会说一点儿英文. In this dialogue, in the sentence “明后天的天气会怎么样”, the word indicates something will happen or somebody will do something. The structure is “Subject + + Verb phrase“. Here are two more examples:
    明天会下雨吗?(Will it rain tomorrow?)
    你的朋友下午会来吗?(Will your friend come this afternoon?)
  2. The verb in the sentence “中午晴转多云”.
    This verb is pronounced as “zhuǎn”, which refers to “to change”. When it is followed by weather terms, it indicates changing the weather conditions. In the sentence above, 晴转多云 means “sunny day changes to cloudy”. Similarly, 多云转雨 means “cloudy day changes to rainy”.
  3. The word in the sentence “后天比明天暖和一点儿“
    When comparing two things in Chinese, is normally used. It is similar to the word “than” in English; however, it is used differently in sentence structures. The basic structure is “Noun 1 + + Noun 2 + adj.” The sentence above compares the two nouns 后天 and 明天, which means “The day after tomorrow will be a little warmer than tomorrow.” Here are two more examples:
    这个男孩比那个女孩大。(This boy is older than that girl.)
    今天比昨天冷。(Today is colder than yesterday.)
  4. Noun 1 + + Noun 2 + 更/还 + adjectives
    This is the expanded comparative structure. Such adverbs as or are added before the adjectives to indicate “even more”. For instance:
    昨天很冷,今天比昨天更/还冷。(Yesterday was cold. Today is even colder than yesterday.)
    Note: The words 很、不 and 一样 cannot be added before the adjectives in the comparative structure. It is NOT correct to say 今天比昨天很冷,今天比昨天不冷,or 今天比昨天一样冷。The correct way to say them is 今天比昨天冷,昨天比今天热,and 今天跟昨天一样冷。
  5. Noun 1 + + Noun 2 + adjective + 一点儿/得多/多了/很多
    This is another expanded comparative structure. 一点儿 is added AFTER the adjectives to indicate “a little bit” and 得多、多了、很多 are used to indicate “much more” and they are interchangeable in terms of meaning. Two examples:
    今天比昨天冷一点儿。(Today is a little bit colder than yesterday.)
    今天比昨天冷多了/得多/很多。(Today is much colder than yesterday.)

Culture Notes:

China is a huge country, and has a great variety of climates. In fact, China has the largest climate differences for a single country in the whole world! When it comes to talking about its weather conditions, it really depends on which place you want to discuss.

Northern China is characterized with a four-season climate. Winters are cold and dry, with temperatures well below freezing and winds coming in from Siberia. January is the coldest with an average temperature of 25ºF (-4ºC) in Beijing and -36ºF (-38ºC) in Harbin, the capital of Heilongjiang, China’s northernmost province. The summer months are hot and humid because winds coming in from the south carry in a lot of rainfalls. Temperatures average around 88ºF (31ºC) in Beijing and 68ºF (20ºC) in Harbin. Springs and autumns, on the other hand, are warm and pleasant.

Southern China also experiences four seasons. In the winter, the weather in the northern regions of southern China (like Shanghai, Wuhan, etc.) can get cold, with temperatures occasionally dropping below freezing. In the southern part (like Hong Kong and Shenzhen), the average temperatures hover around 66ºF (19ºC). The summer months are very hot and humid in the south, with winds carrying in steamy hot weather. The weather can alternate between heavy rain and scorching sun. In the most southern areas, there is a typhoon season from July to September each year, which may bring in heavy rainfalls and strong winds.

Western China is covered by mountains and plateaus. Due to its high elevation and mountainous terrain, the winters can be extremely cold, featured with several months’ heavy snowfalls. The summers, on the other hand, can be very hot, with temperatures as high as 91ºF (33ºC), except in highlands and high mountains. Spring and autumn are the most favorable seasons with the weather being cool, mild, and pleasant and the days are clear.

China climate and weather

(Source: Top Asia Tour about “China climate & weather”)


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