Chapter 7: Describing Things and Places

A collection of rendom objects
A collection of random objects. Image by Jill Clards on Flickr. CC by attribution.

One of the main skills needed for communication is the ability to describe things. Even when you do not know the proper word to use we can always get around it by describing it in a roundabout way. Knowing the directions and how to understand the way to get to and from a place is an important skill for anyone, even a casual tourist. Descriptions are what make a normal book a great book. Language develops and mesmerizes when descriptive words are used.

Goals of This Chapter: 

  • To learn adjectives and adverbs in Tamil.
  • To understand how adjectives and adverbs are made from Verbs and Nouns in Tamil.
  • To learn how to use language to describe things you see in daily life to another person.
  • To learn basic skills of understanding your own location and understand basic directions as a traveller.


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Basic Tamil Copyright © 2024 by Vidya Mohan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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