Chapter 3 Tamil Verbs


Decorative picture for chapter, saying verbs in Tamil and Vinaisorkal in Tamil.
Created by Vidya Mohan 2024, CC BY-NC 4.0

In Tamil, a verb mostly ends a sentence by taking on a variety of suffixes. The verb itself takes on different forms by changing the way it ends in order to take on auxiliary verbs and other suffixes. The Tamil verb system is based on addition of suffixes of tense, pronoun, gender and number. The system of auxiliary verbs in Tamil that is very interesting to learn about. The verb expresses the mood whether it is indicative, imperative or operative. The verbs in their infinitive form when used along with an axillary verb to form negation in Tamil.

In this chapter, we will learn the most commonly used verbs and how they conjugate in past, present and future tense.

Goals of This Chapter:

  • To learn about different kinds of Tamil verb categories.
  • To learn about the Tamil verb classes.
  • To understand Tamil sentences always end with a verb.
  • To learn some common verbs used in daily life.
  • To learn how to morph the verb and add the tense marker before adding the pronoun/number/gender markers.
  • The present, past and future tense verbs and how they are formed.


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Basic Tamil Copyright © 2024 by Vidya Mohan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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