Chapter 5.2 Activities For Expressing Likes and Dislikes

Listening and Speaking Activity:

Listen to the audio of the person stating their likes and dislike and answer the questions given below by recording your answer using the microphone on your computer into the box/area provided.

Rani’s likes and dislikes © Vidya Mohan , 2024, CC BY-NC 4.0

Questions for the students to record their answer in the recorder box below.

  1. What are the four things the speaker Rani likes?
  2. What are the two things that the speaker dislikes?

Reading Activity:

Read the given paragraph about the likes and dislikes of the person named and answer the questions below by picking the right answer.

வணக்கம், என் பெயர் மாலா. நான் மிச்சிகனில் இருக்கிறேன். எனக்கு மிச்சிகன் ரொம்ப பிடிக்கும், ஆனால் குளிரான வானிலை பிடிக்காது. எனக்கு புத்தகம் படிக்க பிடிக்கும். எனக்கு தமிழ் வகுப்பு பிடிக்கும். எனக்கு சூடான காபி குடிக்க பிடிக்காது. எனக்கு பச்சை நிறம் பிடிக்காது எனக்கு தமிழ் படம் பார்க்க பிடிக்கும்.


Question 1: What are things Mala likes? For example, in the statement “I like pink colors”, click on “pink”. Some likes may be two or three words like “Tamil class”.


Question 2: What are things Mala dislikes? For example, in the statement “I dislike pink colors”, click on “pink”. Some likes may be two or three words like “Tamil class”.


Written Activity:

Please write and upload six sentences that state your likes and dislikes using the vocabulary we have learnt so far, three stating your likes and three stating your dislikes. Please upload it to the dropbox/file sharing provided for your classroom as a clear photo of scan/pdf. In the box below please read the sentences you wrote aloud.


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