Chapter 4.2 Family Relationship Vocabulary

In this lesson, we are going to learn the vocabulary that is used for family members in Tamil. Tamil is very unique when it comes to identifying paternal and maternal relations. In English, we use the terms “Uncle” and “Aunt” for the siblings on both sides of the family, in Tamil there are specific names for each. There are also specific terms for older and younger siblings. We will also learn about the culture and traditions in some families based on religion, caste, and community.


The term for relationship is “Uravu” (உறவு). The Family is called “Kudumbam” ( குடும்பம்). We will cover only the most-used family terms in this lesson. The spoken Tamil and the attached names for family members changes with the caste and location of each family.

Immediate Family:

English Formal Tamil Spoken Tamil (Various Dialects)
Father தந்தை அப்பா
Mother தாய் அம்மா
Son மகன் பையன்
Daughter மகள் பெண்/ பொண்ணு
Older brother அண்ணன் அண்ணா
Younger brother தம்பி தம்பி
Older sister அக்கா/ தமக்கை அக்கா
Younger sister தங்கை தங்கச்சி
General term for siblings உடண்பிரத்தவர்கள் கூட பிறந்தவங்க,

அண்ணன்- தம்பி/அக்கா- தங்கச்சி

General term for brother சகோதரன் n/a
General term for sister சகேதரி n/a
Grandfather தாத்தா தாத்தா, ஐயா, பெரியையா, பாட்டன் and many more.
Grandmother பாட்டி பாட்டி, அப்பத்தா, அம்மம்மா, அத்தா, ஆச்சி and many more
Great Grandfather கோள்ளுத் தாத்தா
Great Grandmother கோள்ளுப் பாட்டி


Relationship by Marriage:

English Formal Spoken Tamil (Various Dialects)
Husband கணவன் புருசன்
Wife மனைவி பெண்டாட்டி
Son-in-law மாப்பிள்ளை மாப்ள/ மருமகன்
Daughter-in-law மருமகள் மருமக
Mother-in-law மாமியார் மாமி/அத்தை
Father-in-law மாமனார் மாமா
Older brother’s wife அண்ணி அண்ணி
Sister’s husband மாப்பிள்ளை/மாமா மாமா,அத்தான், அதிம்பேர், மச்சான்
Husband’s brothers மைத்துனன் மூத்தார், மச்சான்
Husband’s sisters நாத்தனார் நாத்தி, அக்கா
Wife’s brothers மச்சான்
Wife’s sisters மச்சினி
Relationship among the parents of the married couple சம்பந்தி


Parent’s Siblings (Uncles and Aunts):

English Tamil
Father’s older brother பெரியப்பா
Father’s older brother’s wife பெரியம்மா
Father’s younger brother சித்தப்பா
Father’s younger brother’s wife சித்தி/சின்னம்மா
Father’s sister அத்தை
Father’s sister’s husband மாமா/ அத்திம்பேர்
Mother’s older sister பெரியம்மா
Mother’s older sister’s husband பெரியப்பா
Mother’s younger sister சித்தி
Mother’s younger sister’s husband சித்தப்பா
Mother’s brother மாமா
Mother’s brother’s wife மாமி /அத்தை

Extended Relationship Words for Non-Traditional Families:


English Tamil Spoken (Also Used)
Stepmother மாற்றாந்தாய் சித்தி
Stepfather மாற்றாந் தகப்பன்/தாயின் கணவன் அப்பா
Stepbrother மாற்றாந்தாயின் மகன் மகனுமான
Stepsister மாற்றாந்தாய் மகள்
Adopted son தத்து பிள்ளை வளைப்பு மகன்
Adopted daughter தத்து பெண்/மகள் வளர்ப்பு மகள்
Stepson மாற்றுரிமை மகன்
Stepdaughter மாற்றாம் புதல்வி
Adopted sister வளர்ப்பு சகோதரி
Adopted Brother வளர்ப்பு சகோதரன்
Half-Brother ஒன்று விட்ட (அண்ணன்/ தம்பி) ஒன்று விட்ட is used for cousins also
Half-Sister ஒன்று விட்ட ( அக்கா/ தங்கை )


Family Traditions and Culture in Tamil Nadu: 

Cultural note: This is just for the student to know the facts. This does not reflect the opinion of the author

The history of Tamil Nadu goes back to the Iron age and beyond. The Tamil people have their own unique culture and traditions. These are still practiced to this day, we see the practices intermingled with the newer religions that came into the land 2,000 years ago. In this part we will take an overall look at the various practices and traditions followed by the Tamil people as well as some holidays and observances unique to them.

Religion in Tamilnadu:

The majority of people in Tamil Nadu follow the Hindu religion, Muslims make about 6% of the population and Christins about 5%. Buddhism, Jains, Sikhs, and other religions also exist in a small amount. We will see great unity among the people as they participate in each other’s festivals and celebrations.

Tamil Festivals and Calendar:

Tamil people follow the lunar calendar and their new year falls in mid-April. They follow the lunar cycle and the presence of the moon in each constellation to determine days, months, and years. Each of the twelve months are marked with festivals and religious observances from all the three main religions. The festival of Pongal in mid January is the Thanksgiving festival to celebrate Nature. Karthigai deepam, Dweepawali, Navratri and other festivals are celebrated by the Hindus. Easter and Christmas are celebrated widely by the Christian people. Ramazan, Eid, Moharram, and other festivals are celebrated by the Muslims.

Tamil Marriage:

Traditionally people married only inside one’s own caste. The practice of cross-cousins marrying still exists among the people of Tamil Nadu. The marriages were arranged by the elders of the family after comparing socio economic status, education, wealth, and horoscope compatibility of the families and the bride and groom. In modern times, people finding their own spouse has become common and the caste system has loosened in the urban areas.

The weddings are conducted by a priest following the traditions of each caste. They are not as flamboyant as the north Indian weddings seen in Bollywood movies. Importance is given to extended family and the coming together of two families. The small differences in the rituals of each caste and community are very beautiful and have a connection to the ancestral practice of those people.

Divorce was frowned upon and slowly has found acceptance in society. Widows were shunned as inauspicious and bad luck and, thankfully, today they are allowed to remarry and live a dignified life.

Tamil Men and Women

Traditional roles are still a part of Tamil family life. Even if both the spouses work these days, the woman takes on the work of household maintenance. You will see that most men wear western pants and shirts as their daily attire whereas the women will be seen in a traditional Sari or North Indian salwar kameez. Inheritance is based on the male bloodline. Women are expected to go to their parents to give birth and come to their marital home after three months of having the baby.

DEI Statement on Families

A family can be any numbers of people of any gender, race, or identity. A family need not be just a traditional house hold of male and female parents and their biological children. In my class, we learn the vocabulary and how to talk about all different kinds of families. No student is forced to share information on their family if they do not want to. The teacher provided a diverse selection of pictures and note cards for the students to pick from to learn to use the vocabulary in this chapter.

Learn the Tamil Relationship Vocabulary With These Activities



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