Appendix B: Acronyms and Abbreviations
Acronym/Abbreviation | Definition |
ADA | Americans with Disabilities Act |
BEA | United States Bureau of Economic Analysis |
DEI | Diversity, equity, and inclusion |
FHWA | Federal Highway Administration |
E-bike | Electric bicycle |
EGLE | Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy |
ETS | Equine Trails Subcommittee (MTAC subcommittee) |
GIS | Geographic information system |
GPS | Global positioning system |
IBT | Iron Belle Trail |
ISTEA | Intermodal Surface, Transportation Efficiency Act |
LMB | League of Michigan Bicyclists |
LWCF | Land and Water Conservation Fund |
MCL | Michigan Compiled Laws |
MDARD | Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development |
MDNR | Michigan Department of Natural Resources |
MDOT | Michigan Department of Transportation |
MHC | Michigan Horse Council |
MISORVA | Michigan Snowmobile and Off-Road Vehicle Association |
MMBA | Michigan Mountain Biking Association |
MNRTF | Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund |
MOU | Memorandum of understanding |
MSU | Michigan State University |
MTA | Michigan Trailways Act |
MTAC | Michigan Trails Advisory Council |
MTGA | Michigan Trails and Greenways Alliance |
MTRA | Michigan Trail Riders Association |
NAW | Nonmotorized Advisory Workgroup (MTAC subcommittee) |
NEPA | National Environmental Policy Act |
NCT | North Country Trail |
NCTA | North Country Trail Association |
NPS | National Park Service |
NREPA | Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act |
NSTA | National Trail System Act |
NWT | National Water Trail |
OGL | Michigan Office of the Great Lakes |
OHV | Off-highway vehicle |
ORV | Off-road vehicle |
ORVAW | ORV Advisory Workgroup (MTAC subcommittee) |
PFAS | Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances |
PRD | Michigan Department of Natural Resources Park and Recreation Division |
PSC | Public Sector Consultants |
QoL | Quality of life |
RIF | Recreation Improvement Fund |
RPGP | Recreation Passport Grant Program |
RTA | Recreational Trespass Act |
RTC | Rails to Trails Conservancy |
RTP | Recreational Trails Program |
SAFETEA-LU | Safe, Accountable, Flexible Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users |
SAW | Snowmobile Advisory Workgroup (MTAC subcommittee) |
SCORP | Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan) |
SRTS | Safe Routes to School |
TAP | Transportation Alternatives Program |
TART | Traverse Area Recreation and Transportation Trails, Inc. |
USDOT | United States Department of Transportation |
USEPA | United States Environmental Protection Agency |
USFS | United States Forest Service |