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OCLUE: Organic Chemistry, Life, the Universe & Everything book cover

OCLUE: Organic Chemistry, Life, the Universe & Everything

CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike)   English

Author(s): Melanie M. Cooper, Michael W. Klymkowsky

Subject(s): Organic chemistry, Chemistry

Institution(s): Michigan State University

Publisher: Michigan State University Libraries

Last updated: 18/05/2023

The essence of organic chemistry is how carbon atoms interact with other atoms and groups of atoms to produce an astounding array of complex and interesting molecules. The basics of bonding and intermolecular interactions are introduced in the general chemistry version of CLUE (Chemistry, Life, the Universe & Everything), along with how the structure of a molecule affects its properties, how the energy changes associated with chemical and physical changes can be predicted and explained, and how chemical systems can be stabilized or perturbed by changing conditions. These four core ideas (structure-property relationships, bonding and interactions, energy, and stability, and change) are continued on into OCLUE and are deepened and expanded as we discover and explain ever more complex chemical systems.

CLUE: Chemistry, Life, the Universe and Everything book cover

CLUE: Chemistry, Life, the Universe and Everything

CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike)   English

Author(s): Melanie M. Cooper, Michael W. Klymkowsky

Subject(s): Chemistry

Institution(s): Michigan State University

Publisher: Michigan State University Libraries

Last updated: 08/02/2023

Chemistry, Life the Universe and Everything (CLUE) is a transformed general chemistry curriculum, developed by an interdisciplinary team of a chemist and a molecular biologist, that aims to bring about evidence-based change in general chemistry. General Chemistry is a gateway course for many students intending on careers in scientific, engineering, and health care-related disciplines. While there have been many attempts to improve the outcomes for these students, little has changed over the past 60 years. Recent transformation efforts have focused primarily on incorporating student engagement techniques into the course, rather than considering what it is that is important for students to learn. CLUE is different. CLUE was developed using a design research approach that focuses on scaffolded progressions around four core ideas: structure and properties, bonding and interactions, energy, and change and stability. The course emphasizes causal mechanistic reasoning in order to help students move beyond knowing that, to knowing how and knowing why chemical phenomena occur.