H5P activities list

This book includes 138 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
121Chapter 8_Reading/Listening 2_check your vocabularyDrag Text
122Chapter 8_Reading/Listening 2_Q&AQuestionnaire
123Chapter 8_ Reading/Listening 3_VocabularyDrag Text
124Chapter 8_Reading/Listening 3_Q&AQuestionnaire
125Chapter 8_Reading/Listening 3_Writing/SpeakingAudio Recorder
126Chapter 8_Study Abroad_VocabularyDrag Text
127Chapter 8_Study Abroad_ Q&AQuestionnaire
128Chapter 8_Grammar_Perfective AspectMark the Words
129Chapter 8_Grammar_Perfective_True FalseTrue/False Question
130Chapter 8_Grammar_Perfective_Grammaticality Judgement taskQuestionnaire
131Chapter 8_Conjunct verbs_Personalized response.Audio Recorder
132Please choose the correct form of adjective of the following nous.Questionnaire
133Please complete the following conversationDrag Text
134मित्र से मुलाक़ातMark the Words
135VocabularyDrag Text
136ConversationDrag Text
137खिचड़ी बनाने की विधिInteractive Video
138_______ मुबारक हो !Audio Recorder
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