
Chapter 4: Health and Well-being

4.1. Introduction and Objectives

Tung Hoang

Welcome to Chapter 4: “Health and Well-being,” a comprehensive exploration of the various facets that contribute to a healthy and fulfilling life. This chapter focuses on mental health, vegetarian diets, positive habits for well-being, and traditional therapies. By addressing these topics, we aim to provide students with insights into maintaining both physical and mental health in the context of contemporary lifestyles.


Alignment with UN SDGs:

This chapter aligns with several United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Goal 3 (Good Health and Well-being).

By addressing mental health, dietary choices, positive habits, and traditional therapies, the chapter promotes holistic well-being, contributing to the broader global objective of ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all at all ages.



  1. 1. Reading: Take Care of Mental Health
    • Define mental wellness and understand its significance for overall well-being.

    • Recognize signs of mental illnesses and gain knowledge on how to approach and treat them.

    • Explore the importance of mental health in the context of a balanced and fulfilling life.

  2. 2. Listening: Vegetarian Diets
    • Examine the emergence of vegetarian diets as a post-COVID trend.

    • Understand the health benefits associated with adopting a vegetarian diet.

    • Consider important notes and considerations when following a vegetarian lifestyle.

  3. 3. Speaking: Habits for Good Health
    • Identify and discuss various activities and habits that contribute to overall health and well-being.

    • Explore the impact of positive habits and the consequences of unhealthy behaviors.

    • Engage in conversations about lifestyle choices that foster physical and mental well-being.

  4. 4. Writing: Traditional Therapies and Treatments
    • Introduce common traditional therapies and treatments.

    • Explore the benefits of traditional healing methods in promoting health.

    • Provide insights into considerations and notes when opting for traditional therapies.


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4.1. Introduction and Objectives Copyright © 2004 by Tung Hoang is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.